
September 1, 2012

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Suprise Surprise - Papandreou re-elected as SI president

Socialist International (SI) President and ex-premier George Papandreou was surprisingly re-elected to the post of President last week during the organisation's 24th congress in Cape Town. And why wouldn't he be? He was after all the only candidate in the running. Quite shocking some would say, since Papandreou is neither a president of a political party, nor premier of a country. (hmmm....)

Addressing the SI congress, Papandreou said the political will for the introduction of what he called "progressive reforms" is absent in Europe and on the international level, saying that he speaks from experience. The best part of his speech, in our opinion here at hellasfrappe, is when he noted that he gave a fight for reform and that inaction continues to "cripple" the global economy. We agree, the "freedom" he was referring to was how some banksters fattened their wallets during his term in office, and indeed... he crippled the global economy and left Greece's economy totally paralyzed!

Papandreou said he faced "ideological dogmatism, incorrect assumptions and special interests represented by conservative powers ... an oligarchy of bankers is now more powerful than elected governments, prime ministers and even nation-states." (And one really has to ask him or herself... why say it.. when you don't believe it, and especially when you helped support it.)
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