
June 20, 2012

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Samaras Sworn In As New Prime Minister (VIDEO of Ceremony)

Antonis Samaras was sworn-in as Greece's prime minister on Wednesday at the head of a three-party coalition government that assumes the country's reins amid the most crucial moment in the country's history after the restoration of democracy in 1974. Antonis Samaras, 61, led New Democracy to a first-place showing in last Sunday's election, garnering nearly 30 percent of the general vote, which translated into 129 MPs in Greece's 300-deputy Parliament. Following three days of negotiations, PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos and Democratic Left (DI.MAR) party leader Fotis Kouvelis agreed to back a Samaras-led government, promising a vote of confidence in Parliament. (AMNA)
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