
June 20, 2012

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Prosecution Charges Amyra For Advising Viewers About How To Set Up Revolutionary War

Serious charges were brought against ex-SYRIZA candidate Ifikrati Amyra who was recently in the news over a video he broadcasted and which spoke about an armed rebellion and revolutionary war.

Following a request by the head of the public prosecution Mrs. Eleni Raikou, Prosecutor John Dragatsi was commissioned to investigate the case and charged Amyra of inciting people to commit felonies. The case is now pending trial.

In the video he comfortably talks about how to form a revolutionary army, while he also speaks about war techniques. In the video he proposes to establish autonomous small groups, that should be armed, and which would then launch attacks against the occupiers (meaning foreign companies, rich Greek elite, God knows what else).He also says that in the case of a conflict the Revolutionary Army should become familiar with regular raids and guerrilla operations and he even advises his followers to prepare for street fights.

Click here to read more about this story in one of our previous posts.

Ex-SYRIZA Candidate Gives Lessons On Revolutionary Civil War

Source in Greek

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