
October 17, 2011

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Increased Turkish Military Activity Over Flight Area

Reports said on Monday that there was increased Τurkish military activity over its flight control area, but that Cyprus officials are closely monitoring the developments.

Parallel to this Turkey's exploration boat Piri Reis was sailing since early Monday morning in the area, or about 85 kilometers from the Noble Energy platform. Accompanying the Turkish surveyor said a report on the famagustagazette were several military ships keeping a close eye on it in international waters.

The Cyprus government said that it is closely monitoring the situation.

Meanwhile reports from Israeli newspapers said today that Noble is facing several technical problems and that the drilling has been delayed by about a month because it hit pockets of water and gas. Israeli media noted that similar problems have come up at Israel's Leviathan 2 plot, resulting in some delays.

On the other hand in Cyprus, reports said gas bubbles were discovered at a depth of two thousand 200 meters and this is not necessarily a good sign and might even mean a failure of the exploration process. 

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