
August 4, 2011

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Radical Education reform bill ready by August 18

Education, Life-long Learning and Religions Minister Anna Diamantopoulou on Thursday told Parliament's Educational Affairs Committee that the final version of a draft bill reforming the structure and operation of Greece's tertiary education system will be tabled in Parliament on August 18.

The minister said that this would incorporate the changes proposed by MPs from all political parties in Parliament and be brought before the Parliamentary plenum for a discussion and vote on August 22, according to a dispatch from the state news agency.

Diamantopoulou noted that a great number of changes had been proposed by MPs after a second reading of the current version of the draft bill before the Committee, with proposals for amendments coming in to the education ministry until late on Wednesday night.

Among the issues raised during Thursday's session, by main opposition New Democracy MP Aris Spiliotopoulos, was that of whether the changes concerning university self-governance were Constitutional.

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