


June 6, 2012

Debate Between Political Leaders Cancelled - SYRIZA Undermines Process

Although it was set for Monday June 11th, the debate between New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras and leader of the Radical Coalition of the Left (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras has been canceled. Reports on Tuesday said that both the conservative ND party as well as the SYRIZA party disagreed on the debate details and because they could not reach a consensus they decided to do away with the idea of the debate altogether. ND stated that though the name of Nikos Hatzinikolaou had been agreed on for carrying out the debate, SYRIZA suddenly and suspiciously tabled another journalist as well (ERT anchorwoman -and known advocate of the old PASOK- Elli Stai).

Before shelving the idea for the debate SYRIZA had also proposed conducting two debates, one between Samaras and Tsipras and another one with the participation of all leaders with the exception of General Secretariat of the Golden Dawn party Mr. N. Michaloliakos. (Oh brother...)

Everything had been agreed and the main principles and framework of the debate had been set, while both sides were committed in seeing the debate through. What then prompted SYRIZA to issue two hasty statements which tore down everything that had been previously agreed upon?

Secondly, while it was jointly decided that the debate would have been run by journalist Nikos Hatzinikolaou who, with his objectivity, authority and experience, was the commonly accepted person, all of a sudden SYRIZA added another journalist's name. (And as we mentioned above we know very well who Mrs. Stai has advocated and supported all of these years.)

Why when both parties’ representatives shook hands on the debate, SYRIZA suddenly turned it all around and began shuffling everything such as which journalists would take part, and even began undemocratically ridiculing other parties (such as the Golden Dawn party)?

There is really one answer, and this time we agree with the ND spokesman Giannis Michelakis. He said that SYRIZA pulled up a sweat because they would have to explain their positions and support for the drachma lobby, for subjects such as terrorism, the legalization of millions of illegal immigrants, the exit of Greece from NATO, the marches of SYRIZA Youth in Skopje in support of the name "Macedonia" and the persistent advocacy in favor of illegal trade, anarchists  or hooded troublemakers which have for years destroyed and spread chaos throughout Greece.

"We understand Mr. Tsipras' anxiety, when faced Mr. Samaras, about explaining the alleged cost-free program that will lead us to the drachma and isolation. We understand his struggle to justify 7 out of 12 components, which frantically look for exits from Europe. We understand the struggle to justify his MPs, who openly speak about a return to the drachma  and the deadly taxation of the income and deposits of Greek citizens. The public behavior of SYRIZA clearly demonstrates the irresponsibility with which they treat they issues facing the country" said Giannis Michelakis.

Editor's Note: It looks like SYRIZA tried its hardest to worm its way out of being cornered by reporters. It also looks like this party does not want to open a discussion on other pending issues (especially those which concern our national and foreign policies) which we know do not benefit its positions.