


June 6, 2012

EXPOSED - Turkey Finances FYROM Propaganda in The US

There is a non-governmental organization in the United States called "Turkish Coalition of America, TCA". The recent activities of this organization -which is also funded by the U.S. Government- have come under criticism by many Greek organizations. What is this organization's purpose? Well aside from the fluff which we list below and which sounds reasonable and just, there are also other "purposes" for its existence.

TCA's purpose is to:
  • educate the general public about Turkey and Turkish Americans and voice their opinion on critical issues to interested parties.
    engage and cultivate a new generation of young Turkish American leaders.
  • promote and advance the interests of the Turkish American community and Turks.
    foster friendship, understanding and cooperation between the United States and Turkey.
  • protect the character and ensure a realistic portrayal of Turkey and Turkish Americans in the media and the arts.
  • serve as a think tank of expertise and a clearinghouse of information on Turkey and Americans of Turkish descent.
  • identify and recognize the achievements of Turkish Americans in academia, arts, business, education, government, public service and science.

After reading the above list one would think that TCA's purpose is solely connected to Turkey and to Turkish Americans, right?

Think again.

The Turks have apparently been taking advantage of TCA and through it they have apparently expanded their activities in other areas which are non-Turkish related (as indicated in their IRS forms).

So what are these "other" activities?

We think the pictures below speak volumes! As you will see, TCA has teamed up with the "United" Macedonian "Diaspora" (UMD) and is spreading falsifications and propaganda in western universities as well as over the western world.

Editor's Note - Re Ellinares tou eksoterikou... koimosaste orthoi? WAKE UP!