


June 6, 2012

Tsipras Says That The Dilemma Should Be Memorandum or SYRIZA (VIDEO)

Leader of the Radical Left Coalition  party (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras called for a strong popular mandate on June 17 "for the people to take their life in their hands. Addressing a rally in the city of Preveza, western Greece, on Tuesday evening, the leader of SYRIZA said that the only real dilemma in the upcoming election is "Memorandum or SYRIZA". Adding that all women and all men together shall give SYRIZA-EKM a clear and strong power mandate for the immediate annulment of the memorandum and the renegotiating of the unfavourable terms of the loan contract.  Tsipras said that the pensions of the Greek people are not in danger from SYRIZA-EKM which, "with its government programme, will annul the memorandum and guarantee the dignified living of pensioners." On the question of health, Tsipras said that SYRIZA's programme anticipates the organising of an integrated system of first stage health care with emphasis on prevention and post-hospital care, near the place of residence and work.