


April 2, 2015

Protest against Golden Dawn trial in Korydallos prison

On Thursday at noon, Korydallos organizations and citizens held a protest outside the Korydallos prison demanding that the Golden Dawn trial, which is scheduled to begin on April 20, be conducted outside the municipality. The mayor and the Piraeus deputy governor, the municipality departments are apparently not going to operate, (even schools will close at 11.30), while the trial will be conducted,

Korydallos mayor Stavros Kassimatis said that conducting the trial in the specially adapted courtroom at the Korydallos Prison poses several risks as it could cause social upheaval and disrupt the smooth operation of schools in the area.

The "Movement against Racism and Fascist Threat (KEERFA)" is organizing a protest on Monday, April 20th at 08.00 and then a march towards the Korydallos prison.

In the meantime, Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis said he was against the holding of the trial at Korydallos prison, as the jail is close to a school whose operation would be disrupted and to the places that Pavlos Fyssas' murder and other Golden Dawn attacks took place.
     "It is absolutely necessary to urgently find a different venue for the Golden Dawn trial," he said among others.