


March 24, 2015

SYRIZA-ANEL organize ‘alternative’ way to celebrate March 25th

The annual March 25 festivities marking Greek Independence Day and the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary are apparently going to be different this year to what Greek citizens are accustomed to. The coordination of the festivities has been designed by Defence Minister Panos Kammenos and Attica Region’s Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) Prefect Rena Dourou. The SYRIZA-ANEL government said that it is planning to offer Greek citizens an "alternative" way to celebrate the events and from what we read it certainly will be a unique event, or at least resemble something of a Balkan feast.

Parallel to the official military parade, the state plans to stage a number of other happenings at Syntagma square including Greek traditional songs and dances. Also, there will be no special stand for VIPs at the parade on Wednesday and all dignitaries will be forced to stand with the crowd.

The state is also going to distribute thousands of blue and white flags to onlookers to wave during the march and at the end of the event, the 90-member military band (s) will stay behind and entertain everyone as dance troops from around the country perform.

Leftist groups against military parades were quick to compare the events to those held during the time of Greece’s military junta, but SYRIZA quickly responded that the junta only danced “tsamika” (a traditional folk dance).

The leader of the (media-backed) Potami party, Stavros Thoeodrakis, together with several PASOK groups quickly slammed SYRIZA for allowing ANEL to organize the event, so Panos Kammenos in return advised Theodorakis not to attend the event.

(Good one)