


March 25, 2015

I am the Hellene that... - MUST READ

These are the times when we need a nudge to remind us to be proud of our heritage and history. As we celebrate and remember our struggles and achievements during the 1821 war of Independence let us NEVER forget our ancestors and the struggles they experienced to bring us to where we are today. Indeed, we are still struggling, but thankfully it is at a different pace. The following poem is a personal interpretation from a poem titled "Είμαι ο Έλληνας!" (video below), and my way of nudging at all of you to stand in pride for simply being Greek.

HellasFrappe Editor
Marina Spanos

I am the Hellene that...
  • battled the barbarians and the Persians in Marathon in Plataeas and defeated them all
  • the one who did not kneel at Thermopylae when faced with death
  • and the one who was never afraid to die, but rather chose to fall as a proud man on that day
I am the Hellene that...
  • created language and words, founded the arts, set the foundations for the sciences and culture
  • the one who gave the world the Olympics and taught all of you about what "fair play" in sports actually is
  • taught the world how to sell their goods, and then enjoy life through art
  • and the one who mastered citadels such as the Acropolis, Epidaurus, etc.
I am the Hellene that...
  • taught the world how valuable FREEDOM is
  • the one who made it clear that if man is deprived of this right, then he deserves to die for it while singing "Hail, Oh Hail ... Freedom ..."
  • the one who invented the word "filotimo", and showed all of you how to honor this word
  • and the one who showed you how to truly value friendship and family
But... I am also the Hellene that...
  • the world does not want to allow to thrive and prosper
  • the one that they strike at the most by sowing discord
  • the one that the world continually limits and does not allow to develop
  • and all this because I am probably the only one that they all envy the most... 
Yes... I am an Hellene... And I AM BACK!
 The Time For Re-Hellenization Has Arrived