


March 17, 2015

Conspiracy or Turth - Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War


A new report from the Russian Federation Security Council (SCRF) on Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov’s recent private visit with US President Barack Obama at the White House, in Washington D.C., grimly states that America’s leader has “privately advised” President Vladimir Putin that a global war is nearing… and he “may be powerless to stop it”.

Director Bortnikov, it is important to remember, is in some Kremlin circles believed to be the third most powerful person in Russia after President Putin, along with being known as the Federations top counter intelligence commander.

As an agent of the Committee for State Security (KGB) since 1975, Director Bortnikov, over the past 40 years, ascended through the ranks of Russian intelligence and from 2004-2008 was head of the FSB’s Economic Security Service and a Deputy Director of FSB, after which he became the Director on 12 May 2008.

Reports of Director Bortnikov's travels to meet President Obama a few weeks ago, it is interesting to note, did not emerge until the FSB published a press release announcing he was already in the United States. The release specifically mentioned that Director Bortnikov had been invited by the US State Department and the White House.

Though Director Bortnikov cannot travel to EU countries or Canada because he is on their sanctions list, it is interesting to note, he is notably absent from the US list and “officially” he was in the United States for two days to attend the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.

Director Bortnikov’s private White House visit with President Obama a few weeks ago, it should be further noted, follows a similar meeting held this past May between America’s leader and SCRF Secretary Nikolai Patrushev (known as the second most powerful person in Russia), who, likewise, has been a longtime KGB-FSB spy.

As to why President Obama has chosen over the past year to meet privately in the White House with the Federations top two spies this SCRF report doesn’t say, but it is understandable in the context of a similar crisis between Russia and the US that occurred in the early 1960’s when then President John F. Kennedy chose to use indirect backchannels with both Cuba and Moscow to defuse the Cuban Missile Crisis as he did not trust his own country’s warmongers in the Pentagon and Congress.

President Obama’s choice to meet with Director Bortnikov, the “shadow CIA” global intelligence organization STRATFOR further reports, is due to the FSB Director’s knowing the ins and outs of Russia's support for separatists and intelligence on US moves in the region.

Also, STRATFOR correctly reports, Director Bortnikov is an economist by trade and understands the pressure created by Western sanctions on Russia and has the comprehensive knowledge needed to discuss all these issues in Washington.

In other words…as the Western propaganda news media continues to print stories about a possible coup d'état in Russia against President Putin, the more likely truth is that one is currently underway in the United States.

To President Obama’s “warning” to Director Bortnikov, this SCRF report says, that he may be powerless to stop a global war was further accentuated last week when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) reported that Minister Sergey Lavrov had endured a nearly one-hour tirade from US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland who, among other claims, “raged” that former Vice President Richard “Dick” Cheney was in charge of the United States, not President Barack Obama.
     According to this report, a “highly agitated” Secretary Nuland contacted Minister Lavrov (last week) demanding that Russia immediately order Iran to return to US custody the 4 CIA agents arrested and detained for directing ISIS terror forces in Iraq.
     Secretary Nuland, also, this report continues, “bluntly warned” Minister Lavrov that should Moscow ever again provide to France, or any other NATO nation, superior “electronic-technology”, and for the Russian air force to continue disabling US warships, she would further order the American military to “aggressively respond”.
     Most astoundingly, though, of Secretary Nuland’s “rages”, this report says, was her reply to Minister Lavrov when asked by whose authority she was speaking, and to which she replied, “Cheney gives the orders here now, not Obama, and you assholes better get used to it!”
     Important to note about Secretary Nuland, this report notes, is that she has long been one of the top tier operatives in the Bush-Clinton Criminal Syndicate working first in the Clinton administration where she was chief of staff to US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott before moving on to serve as deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs.
     Upon President George W. Bush taking office in 2001, this report continues, Secretary Nuland served as the principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Cheney and then as US ambassador to NATO, and when President Barack Obama took office in 2009, she returned to the US State Department run by Hillary Clinton and still holds the title of Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.With President Putin, and other top political and military officials, remaining today under the “protection” of the Ministry of Defense due to fears of a first-strike nuclear launch against the Federation this coming week, a horrific plot uncovered by the FSB, the SCRF in this report notes that communications to avert total war are currently ongoing, but the outcome is not certain due to no one in the Kremlin even knowing who is in charge of the United States anymore.
To the “vulgar-criminal” undiplomatic language employed by Secretary Nuland during her tirade with Minister Lavrov, this report says, is “nothing new” as the Federal Security Services (FSB) had documented in 2014 when they released her private telephonic exchange with the US ambassador to Ukraine in which while engineering the coup in that nation she stated:
      “OK. He's now gotten both Serry and [UN Secretary General] Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, Fuck the EU.

Equally as disturbing to Secretary Nuland’s destruction of Ukraine, which STRATFOR (aka The Shadow CIA) head George Friedman recently called “the most blatant coup in history”, has been her “coordinated actions” with her former lover and current NATO commander General Philip Breedlove whose continued lies about Russian involvement in this conflict has left Germany “stunned” and led their government at the beginning of March to label his words as “dangerous propaganda”.

What appeared to be most concerning to Secretary Nuland, however, MoFA experts say, was Moscow allowing the French navy earlier last month to equip their nuclear attack submarine Saphir with one of Russia’s revolutionary electronic warfare systems weapons, and which allowed this submarine to sink an entire US navy carrier group, including the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, in war games conducted off the coast of Florida.

To how greatly feared by Secretary Nuland, and her Bush-Clinton criminal masters, this new Russian weapons system is, this report says, can be read, in part, as related by top US defense experts who stated last year after its first use:
     “Russian Sukhoi Su -24 with the newest jamming complex paralyzed in the Black Sea the most modern American combat management system “Aegis” installed on the destroyer “USS Donald Cook”. Pavel Zolotarev, Deputy Director, Institute of USA and Canada, shares details about this version which is being actively discussed in the Russian media and by bloggers.     US destroyer “Donald Cook” with cruise missiles “Tomahawk” entered the neutral waters of the Black Sea on April 10. The purpose was a demonstration of force and intimidation in connection with the position of Russia in Ukraine and Crimea. The appearance of American warships in these waters is in contradiction of the Montreux Convention about the nature and duration of stay in the Black Sea by the military ships of countries not washed by this sea.
      In response, Russia sent an unarmed bomber Su- 24 to fly around the U.S. destroyer. However, experts say that this plane was equipped with the latest Russian electronic warfare complex. According to this version, “Aegis” spotted from afar the approaching aircraft, and sounded alarm. Everything went normally, American radars calculated the speed of the approaching target. And suddenly all the screens went blank. “Aegis” was not working any more, and the rockets could not get target information. Meanwhile, Su-24 flew over the deck of the destroyer, did battle turn and simulated missile attack on the target. Then it turned and repeated the maneuver. And did so 12 times.     Apparently, all efforts to revive the “Aegis” and provide target information for the defence failed.”
To if the American people themselves are aware of who is actually running their government the (both) report (s) do not say; but with a shocking new reports detailing how these people are 58 times more likely to die at the hands of their own police forces than terrorists, their media blacking out the fact that one of their top allies in Libya has now become the ISIS commander there, and an astounding 33% of them now being jobless, one can readily ask if these people even care anymore about anything.

Note: Other Conspiracy or Truth articles that have been posted by Hellasfrappe analyzing the crisis In Ukraine, Russian-EU relations, the revival of the Cold War, the mystery surrounding the Malaysian plane disappearance, the geopolitical events that are unfolding in the East Med and Europe as well as all the threats that were made from the Saudis to the Russians, etc -and how all these stories more or less tie into one another-  include:
  1. Russia Issues Warning: “Most Dangerous Time In History Now At Hand”
  2. Top Russian Spy Boris Nemtsov Gunned Down In Moscow
  3. Within Hours of Charlie Hebdo Massacre French Police Commissioner "Suicided" After Attempting To Issue Murder Warrant
  4. Russian Forces Kill 8 CIA Agents In Massive Grozny Gun Battle
  5. Putin Orders Troops To Wartime Bunker; Warns “Global War Is Near”
  6. Ukraine Blitzkrieg - Putin Vows He Won’t Let Nazis Win
  7. Russian Navy Rushes To Australia Over Putin Assassination Fears 
  8. Putin Issues Feared “Dead Hand” Order As Global War Nears
  9. Bloodstained CIA Hands All Over Malaysian Plane Destruction Reports Russia 
  10. Germany Races To Stop US-Backed July Terror Attack 
  11. Power Plays by Rothschilds, Rockellers leave Putin on the defensive 
  12. Obama Order To Execute 175 Saudi Arabian Homosexuals 
  13. Putin Responds After Obama Orders Atomic Bombs To Europe 
  14. Moscow Astounded As Top Mob Boss Becomes Ukraine Leader 
  15. Putin Orders Feared Alpha Troops To Ukraine, Declares “Red War” 
  16. US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed In Ukraine 
  17. Armageddon Warned Near As Russia Orders “All-Out War” On Petrodollar 
  18. Ukraine “Rape-Murder” Squads Approved By Obama Horrifies Russia  
  19. US Spy Drone Shot Down Over Northern Fleet Base Alarms Russia 
  20. Furious Putin Orders “Project Double Eagle” To Destroy US, EU Economies 
  21. Malaysia Flight 370 Pilot Confirmed As CIA “Asset” As Plane Exploded Over Indian Ocean
  22. Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy
  23. Obama In Shock After US Oil Giant Sides With Putin; Declares “No Ukraine War
  24. Was Ukraine’s Gold Reserves Secretely Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?
  25. Putin In “Fury” After Saudis Brand Obama Regime Terrorist Organization
  26. Putin Orders Massive War Moves To Protect Iraq After Saudi Threats
  27. Putin Orders Largest Air Defense Drill In History As War Fears Accelerate
  28. Putin Orders Russian Troops And Ministries To Atomic Shelters Over NATO Threat Of War
  29. 800,000 Ukrainian Refugees Flood Into Russia As Nazi Forces Continue Eastern March
  30. Putin Sends Feared Shock Troops, Division Into Ukraine, Warns Obama Is “Unstable”
  31. Putin Orders Military Alert To Defend Ukraine Against Western-Backed Fascists
  32. Ukrainian Mob Call To “Kill All Jews” Horrifies Russia
  33. Russian Threat Of War Over Ukraine Stuns Obama
  34. US In “Shock And Turmoil” After Snowden Info Lets Russia Tap Top Obama Officials