
January 13, 2015

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Tsipras: SYRIZA does not have a secret agenda or a "plan B" (VIDEO)

SYRIZA seeks the parliamentary majority and for this reason "I do not want to even think of a run-off," SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras said in an interview with STAR TV late on Monday night.

It is necessary, Tsipras said, that people give to his party a strong mandate to negotiate with Greece's partners and it has the experience and the knowledge to prevent the run-off scenario.

He expressed his certainty for the victory and said that people will choose SYRIZA not because it has acquired a radical left ideology but because it will select the course of dignity.

Asked with which parties he will cooperate if he does succeed a parliamentary majority, Tsipras said that his party will move based on its programme and suggested that he would prefer to have a vote of tolerance from the communist party (KKE). If a vote of tolerance or vote from KKE is necessary for SYRIZA to implement its programme, it would be inconceivable for KKE to refuse, however, it is something that KKE will decide, Tsipras said and ruled out the possibility of a cooperation with PASOK, the newly founded KIDISO and Potami for which he said that it seeks to become a supplementary power to the establishment and noted the difference between SYRIZA and Potami's positions.

On the failure of cooperation with Democratic Left (DIMAR), Tsipras said that a sincere programmatic dialogue was held and that his party set as prerogative the programme it presented in Thessaloniki, however, cooperation did not exist. He clarified that this does not mean that cooperation between the two parties cannot be achieved after the elections.

Asked if SYRIZA will finally choose to leave from the eurozone as a response to the pressure, Tsipras said that we should be mad to have such a plan. The discussion in Europe has changed and SYRIZA has been vindicated, he said, noting that his party does not have a secret agenda or a plan B.

He expressed the certainty that Europe will accept SYRIZA's plan adding that German Chancellor Angela Merkel will take advantage of SYRIZA's rise in order a solution to be found and to present it as her own achievement.

SYRIZA will ask for a debt restructuring with write-off of its largest part and a growth clause in order to become sustainable, he said. "We do not want consensus to continue the memorandum, but a policy that will be redemption for the country".

Asked on whether he will accept an extension of the payoff period and reduction of the interests, Tsipras said that he will set the negotiation bar high.

At a query if his earlier statement "no sacrifice for the euro" exists, Tsipras replied "euro with democracy, justice and solidarity."

Sources: ANA-MPA, enikos, YouTube

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