
December 2, 2014

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Greek soccer teams could be banned from int'l competitions

FIFA and UEFA have apparently issued a warning to the Greek state over a controversial sports legislation that has been proposed by the government. The news means that the presence of Greek teams abroad might be put on hold indefinitely.

More exactly, FIFA and UEFA sent a joint letter to Hellenic Soccer Federation warning that if the government moves ahead with its proposed sports legislation then this is going to be an unacceptable level of state interference in soccer.

In Greece, the Hellenic Football Federation (EPO) has already stated its position on the proposed draft legislation noting that any changes that are planned could threaten the independence of the organization.

The letter by the international organizations is due to be passed on to Greece's Deputy Minister for Sports John Andrianos and it is expected that representatives of UEFA and FIFA will send delegations to Athens in an effort to pressure the government to alter its decision.

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