
February 13, 2014

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Prosecutor: Finish with The Audits (Lagarde List) NOW!

Finally some common sense! Under an order from Financial Crime prosecutor Panayiotis Athanassiou, the Financial Crime Unit (SDOE) will finally focus its energy on the depositors from the controversial Lagarde list. The move is part of a broader plan to combat tax evasion and the challenge now is to have these depositors explain where they received their funds within a two-month period.

Athanasiou told SDOE to organize teams and perform full audits, but he also gave them a time frame noting that this should be completed in a month. And just to ensure that everyone is doing their jobs correctly, a report in To Vima suggested that Financial Assistant Prosecutor Yannis Dragatsis will also begin checking in on Attica tax offices to determine that progress has been made, and that the orders given the Financial Prosecutors under the investigation of criminal acts associated with tax evasion are being executed.

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