


January 26, 2014

SPECIAL REPORT - Crocodile Tears For Victims of Farmakonisi From Anti-Hellenes Who Want Open Borders!

It is very difficult to understand what happened in Farmakonisi, yet it is very simple for someone to sell humanism based on the results. We are obviously referring to the tragic shipwreck at Farmakonisi, where 12 people including 9 children perished. As the story unfolds, we are discovering that it is not a typical case of unfortunate migrants who drowned in their search for a better future. We have a feeling that there is more than meets the eye here, but then again we Greeks always see a conspiracy behind every story.

Call it what you wish, we prefer to call it a sixth sense and I will prove this to you all by stating the facts of the case as well as my argument as to why I believe that there is more here than meets the eye.

Firstly, leftist groups, and wannabe humanitarian organizations claim that Greek port authorities are lying about what happened in this case, and are without a doubt supporting the illegal immigrants who they claim are the only ones telling the truth. And we ask: Exactly what is the truth? What are the facts behind this story and why are some of our fellow Greeks automatically assuming that these illegal immigrants are credible and Greek authorities are not?

Also, why does a small handful of Greeks always open its ears to (Soros-backed) humanitarian organizations who have never (EVER) supported Greeks, but instead constantly support the flow of illegal immigration into this country (or rather the trafficking of Middle East citizens into Greece). Finally, why do we allow Greek (and even Greek-American) publications to point the finger at the men and women who guard our maritime borders? (Yes you heard correctly, even Greek-American publications). With what right do they question the credibility of these men and women when they know that they risk their lives day in and day our for our security and well-being?

Why doesn't the Greek government adopt some common sense instead of allowing international pseudo organizations to dictate what level of humanism the citizens of this country have? Why do they show weakness in front of such provocateurs?

Let us take it from the beginning: Survivors, who last Thursday were transported to Athens, suggested (after being coached by Leftist parties of course) that coast guard officers tried to tow the vessel back to Turkey – something that is said to be illegal under EU law. (Some laws are obviously extremely stupid, but anyway).

Some even went as far as accusing Greek authorities of kicking and threatening them.

Taking center stage, the leftist SYRIZA party called for the resignation of the Minister of Merchant Marine Mr. Varvitsiotis. In fact a statement by the party said that keeping the minister at his post “was sending a signal to coast guard officials to react in a similar way in future cases.” In other words... SYRIZA does not want our authorities to guard our borders, but urges the government -and our sanity- to accept an open border scheme.

Varvitsiotis rejected the allegations of a push-back and said that the coast guard vessel’s coordinates, as recorded by radar, showed that it towed the migrant ship toward Farmakonisi, not Turkey. (The coast guard did what it had to do under EU law, but if it was up to us, we would of towed back the boat to Turkey!)

He also commented on the testimonies by other witnesses who claimed that the coast guard’s intervention was the only thing that saved them. Activists on Friday said that at least some of the survivors had no knowledge of these testimonies.

Speaking of borders, guess who is in favor of "open borders"?

George Papandreou. Yes you heard correctly, the man who "destroyed" Greece is now apparently trying to "rescue" illegal immigrants. At the weekend he also slammed Varvitsiotis and the Greek coast guard for doing the obvious - THEIR JOBS-! Silly me... Papandreou wants open borders in the Aegean, and we all know that he is a good friend of Soros, so it probably was inevitable. He is always in agreement with SYRIZA isn't he... and SYRIZA is in tune with his philosophies as well. Hmmm....

So let us recap: Instead of being arrested and taken to one of the detention centers for illegally crossing into Greece, several Afghans were released and later had the audacity to give a press conference -after being coached by their slave masters or Leftist groups- outside of the Greek Parliament. We understand the grief of some of the survivors who lost their loved ones, but we cannot accept their slamming of Greek authorities for not giving them the red carpet treatment as they were illegally crossing into our country.

(Correct me if I am wrong... but isn't ILLEGALLY crossing into a country illegal? Dahhh....)

And what is worse, the international press was there ready and willing to record this ridiculous story because it purposely wants to display the brutality and racist attitude of Greece's armed forces.

Why would it want to do that? Isn't it obvious? Something -or some kind of force- wants to weaken our armed forces, and does not want borders in the Aegean.

I want to ask all of you if you knew of a place in this universe where someone can illegally enter a country, save himself and not his family, give a press conference the very next day and then complain that he was not given the red carpet treatment by authorities?

Nowhere right?

Well you are all wrong.

This happened in (Banania-Land) Greece, which has been plagued like a cancer from forces of the Left for over four decades that support pitiful events such as these!

Let me make it easier: Imagine that a couple of immigrants from Mexico decide to illegally cross into the US. At the border they meet with resistance from US border guards who attempt to push them back into Mexico -because that is what they are there for-. Some get hurt during the interaction, some are forced to go back into Mexico and some are successful in illegally crossing over to the US. The very next day those that successfully got in, decide that they want the world to know their story and with the help of communist and pseudo leftist organizations they go on live television and complain that the border guards did not give them the red carpet treatment when they illegally entered the country!

Wait... its not over. A couple of hours later international organizations begin slamming the US for guarding its borders, and not allowing these Mexican migrants in. Al Quaeda funded Amnesty International begins calling Americans racists, inhuman and even go as far as sparking up nationwide protests aided by US communist and pseudo-progressive leftist parties. And if that wasn't enough, the the international "progressive" press network -controlled by Soros and friends- begins to follow suit, featuring stories about Miguel, Juan and and little Carlita only wanted to enter the US for a better life but were not able to do so because the big, bad US border guards did not great them with champagne and truffles.

Would this ever happen?


Would Soros-and Al-Queada backed organizations ever question why the US uses border guards to protect its borders?


So why the hell are we allowing ourselves to listen to all this crap in Greece?

Did anyone of those reporters care to ask this Afghan man who the slave traders (and/or smugglers) were that helped him cross over into Greece?


Did anyone care to ask him who helped and/or guided him across Turkey? (We all know that Turkey is not a small country, he must of had some kind of help!)


The illegal immigrants claim that the Greek coast guard attempted to tow the boat towards Turkey, and when this began some people began jumping ship. As a result of their panic, some people drowned and a few survived. The weather also played a major role, and let us not forget that we are also presently enjoying winter (in other words stormy seas).

Assuming that we take their story into account, we would still give the Greek coast guard a thumbs up because in our opinion that is what they should do. But try explaining this to groups such as Al-Queada backed Amnesty International which had the audacity to urge Greek authorities to examine allegations of abuse from our Coast Guard. In fact, Amnesty International has been campaigning for an investigation in order to determine the cause of the sinking and prosecute those who are responsible.

Common sense would then suggest that if Amnesty International is campaigning against the Greek government on this issue, and parties such as SYRIZA, PASOK, KKE and DIMAR are in agreement then they too support this Al-Queada funded organization?

On its part, the Hellenic Coast Guard issued a statement explaining that the boat carrying the refugees was being tugged to safety due to the extreme weather conditions and capsized when the passengers suddenly shifted to one side, but Amnesty -for obvious reasons- ignores this HUGE detail and has been coming down hard on Greek officials for not spreading that damned red carpet. The Coast Guard has denied allegations of abuse and that it was pushing the refugees back into Turkey.

It is tragic that lives were lost in the process, but we are not going to cry over the loss of a boat that belonged to a Turkish smuggler and which capsized. Our hearts go out to the families and victims of this tragedy, but these people knew the risks, and they knew very well that Greek authorities were not going to throw a red carpet to them as they were illegally crossing into this country. If they wanted a better life, then why not use the proper channels?

Why not legally apply for a visa?

Has anyone ever asked themselves this?

Also, why doesn't the EU and all these Soros-backed organizations ever slam Turkey for smuggling all of these people into Greece in the first place?

Doesn't Greece belong to the European Union?

Aren't Greece's borders EU borders?

Also, why doesn't the international media ask Turkish officials why they promote and endorse human trafficking into Europe.

This tragic event in Farmakonisi sparked that tired old – and often politicking – discussion about responsibilities over which the Greek parties want to argue about. That is a shame, since the responsibilities lie entirely in Brussels. This is where everyone should be focusing their rage and not amongst each other. But its easier to fight a wounded eagle like Greece is, rather than a big bad wolf like the EU is.

It is not just that the despicable Dublin II Convention that has demonstrably trapped hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who wanted to head to other EU countries in Greece, it is also the fact that the proverbial European hypocrisy regarding EU border protection prevails. It is very easy for Northern Europeans to point the finger at Greeks since they want turn this country into what has accurately been described as a “storage room of souls.”

Whenever it suits them, such as when it comes to measures imposed from Brussels and Berlin, we are some sort of an informal federation and we must pay what we are told. Whenever things do not suit them, you we are the bad guys.

Such hypocrisy!

Why won't they say the truth? Greece has been left alone with this issue for over a decade. Even today, the provided assistance is seriously lacking. In order to combat this problem we need thousands of border guards, hundreds of ships, helicopters and other means. We are part of a Europe that is totally and without a doubt absent on all humanitarian issues. Greece is not only crippled economically, it also has to pay the cost for a problem that it does not have the resources for, nor the right to exercise national policies that could improve the situation.

In other words, our hands are forcefully tied and we cannot do a thing about it.

How can we allow so many people into this country when we cannot feed our own?

Have these idiots in Brussels figured this one out?

Unregulated immigration is a major problem for our country, especially under today’s circumstances. Sure we do what we can for all the helpless people who entered our country but we need to help ourselves also.

Besides, who is to guarantee us as a people that these immigrants are on the up and up anyway? Greek Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias officially connected terrorism with illegal immigration during a press conference that followed two unofficial meetings of EU Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs last week. This alone should sound a loud alarm to some people in Brussels who are quick to point the finger at Greece. In fact he specifically said that terrorists might take advantage of the illegal immigration phenomenon and we agree.

You think that this was a far-fetched statement? Think again.

In an article that was featured on HellasFrappe some time ago we noted that even though no verified Islamist terrorist attack has ever occurred in Greece, the latter years have seen an increased, mainly background activity. This activity has so far been on logistical, recruitment and accommodating basis as many experts in Greece and abroad agree the current situation regarding immigration combined with the existence of the illegal immigrants has created a hub of uncontrollable, "loose", individuals who act and operate freely making the transposing of people from Asia and the Middle East through Greece easier while also looking to recruit Islamic radicals for operations beyond Greek borders. - Read more on this by clicking HERE.

Just a couple of weeks ago we featured a report the American Institute TCS (Tech Central Station) which claims that Al-Queada forces are alive and kicking in Greece, after penetrating into the country through the illegal immigration movement. Specifically the report mentions the area of Messogia (which is north of Athens) and particularly the towns of Pallini, Gerakas, Markopoulo and Koropi. - Read more on this by clicking HERE

Still not convinced?

According to intelligence expert Ioannis Michaletos, terrorists have ventured through Turkey and through Greece with the assistance of illegal immigrant transport networks which he specifically notes are managed by Turks. He says that some of these individuals managed to acquire fake ID's and were caught by Bulgarian and Greek authorities. He says that there are more similar cases that still evade authorities. Lastly Michaletos mentions the case concerning the arrest of an Iraqi citizen by the name of Abu Sanjad in 2009. He claims that this man was arrested in Athens in July 2009, and was then subsequently sent to Irbil-Iraq, when his identity as a wanted terrorist by the Iraqi government was established. Of course he too entered the country, as an illegal immigrant! - Read more on this by clicking HERE

Conclusion: Brussels must know that there are terrorists coming into Greece via all these immigration flows. After all, reports -such as the above- have been conducted by experts who monitor this sort of activity and there are hundreds like them out there. This is not something that HellasFrappe decided to cook up. It is almost as if Brussels purposely wants to confine these maniacs in Greece because they (fear and/or) don't want them in their countries. Meanwhile, Greece's leftist parties want a good portion of these people in Greece because it is a new pool of potential voters - example PASOK which totally and without a doubt supports all these immigrant flows- and parties such as SYRIZA want all these maniacs scattered all over Europe (which is also a frightful thought and something that should concern all of us as to the why). The New Democracy party -as always- cares more about its image than in actually tackling the problem and in my humble opinion it actually fears taking on any kind of initiative. We propose that the New Democracy party shake off its fear and take a bold decision to pressure Brussels to tackle this issue right away. Brussels should then pressure Turkey to take back these immigrants and it should even threaten Ankara with penalties if it doesn't do so. Trade would be the perfect threat tool. I'd like to see how Mehmet and Abdul would react when they realize that they have to follow rules to maintain their rich lifestyles in Ankara. And before some of you begin pointing the finger at HellasFrappe for not wanting the best for these helpless people, we want you to know that our nation cannot handle any more illegal immigrants. We understand their need for a better life, but why not use an embassy? Why not apply for a visa? Why not enter our country through our airport? Also, Athens has to pressure the EU for more resources to tackle this problem. Why do they want Greece to handle this phenomenon alone? Also, we must ignore the voices -and fake humanitarian organizations and/or NGO's- that are against the screening of these individuals. Common sense dictates that if there are terrorists illegally crossing into our country through these caravan flows then we have to know who these people are. All these people have some sort of identity don't they? We need to know who they are and officials should be monitoring their activity day in and day out. Finally, we cannot listen to voices that endorse open borders. SYRIZA and George Papandreou may wish to unite the Aegean but anyone with a bit of logic knows that the Aegean is GREEK and cannot be handed over to Turkey because some dimwit politicians want it to be. There has to be stricter control. I know this hurts good old George who wants nothing more than sharing the Aegean with his friends Mehmet and Ahmed from across the Aegean, but we don't necessarily have to agree with him now do we? Besides, if he has such a passion with Turkey then why the hell not run for a Turkish party? Why remain in Greece? Same goes for SYRIZA, and DIMAR. Finally, the forces that constantly slam the Greek armed forces are not unknown to us. We know very well that the Left in Greece is against any type of authority, and we ask... If we adopted their idiotic logic then what kind of country would we be? A free for all? Can you just imagine that?

I think I made my point. Case closed.

Marina Spanos
Editor in Chief