
April 9, 2013

Conspiracy Or Truth - Sabbatean Mafia To Stage Nuclear Terror - Blame N. Korea

Benjamin Fulford: North Korea Nonsense is cabal Nonsensicle: The Public sees the hysterical attempts unfold: As Gold forces desperate Oligarchy moves in Asia to save The Doomed Goldman Sachs : Japan & Korea is a major player : China Russia and others will not budge to stop Obama’s forfeit games.

The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball star Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).

The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.

Here is, in part, is what it said:
    “So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.”
This is not even a fig-leaf of plausible deniability; why would North Korea risk nuclear annihilation to serve Israeli interests?

Both the official North Korean News Service and the pentagon are dialing back tensions even as the Zionist media continues its hysterical campaign to demonize North Korea. The fact of the matter is that two Sabbatean/Zionist/Nazi submarines have been sent to carry out nuclear terror attacks to protect Zionist’s fascist rule of the West. The Navy Intelligence information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal says the submarines are likely to attack either Yokohama (i.e. the US Yokota naval base in Yokohama, Japan), Busan in South Korea, Portland Oregon or Los Angeles.

- Conspiracy or Truth - North Korean Atomic Bomb Subs Cause Global Panic

Nobody will be fooled though and the Gnostic Illuminati are promising a retaliatory attack against Jerusalem if the Sabbateans try to pull off another nuclear terror attack. A South Korean government official also said his government knows North Korea is not planning any attack.

The same cabal is spreading bio-weapons in China, dumping nuclear waste in Japan and threatening to trigger an earthquake in California in a sign of vicious desperation.

The desperation is being triggered by an international dragnet that is closing in on them from all directions. The attacks against the cabal are being carried out by multiple intelligence and police agencies using various covers. For example, the US agency backed hacker group anonymous has hacked Israeli database and found the names of 30,000 Mossad agents around the world. These names have been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Anonymous has also announced an attack on Israel’s web presence.

The other big agency attack against the Sabbateans took the form of a release by the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,” of the names of holders of offshore bank accounts worth $32 trillion dollars (over twice the US GDP). Before the website was taken down and put up again in sanitized form, it released the details of accounts held by people like Barak Obama, Tony Blair, the Governor of the Bank of England, Hillary Clinton etc. For example, the Obama offshore account totals $30 billion and is held under the name Henry Ansbacher.

Another attack was the release by Wikileaks of millions of documents linked to arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger including such juicy Kissinger quotes as “the illegal we do overnight, the unconstitutional takes longer.”

The financial attack on the cabal is also intensifying. The widely reported physical gold shortages, such as the line ups at gold outlets in Thailand, are being caused by cabalists desperately trying to use their fiat paper currencies to buy physical gold. In the case of Thailand, the Saudi Royal family and their buddies the Bushes are working with Japanese crime syndicates to buy Thai and Persian royal family gold.

The wife of the Prime Minister of a major Asian country even phoned this writer last week to ask where gold could be found (Hong Kong, Switzerland and Indonesia was my best guesstimate answer).

In Japan, the big monetary easing announced by the Bank of Japan last week is actually a massive move to protect Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, according to the executive of a Japanese securities company. Goldman Sachs is in severe trouble in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere and is using yen in a desperate move to keep itself afloat, he said.
“The entire South Korean financial system is controlled by Goldman Sachs and it is imploding under bad debt,” he said. A South Korean government official denied this.
However, a White Dragon Foundation delegation to Seoul was recently shown photographs of large amounts of gold for sale supposedly held at a secret location in South Korea. However, the South Korean side, including representatives of the 6 largest conglomerates and the South Korean government, were unable to provide a photograph of a recent newspaper being held in front of the gold.

There is also a desperate move by North and South Koreans in Japan to liquidate their yen holdings and either buy South Korean won or gold before their money is confiscated by the Japanese tax authorities, the executive said.

The Japanese monetary easing and the attempts to grab Korean assets are a sign of desperation by cabalists stooges in the Japanese political scene who see their Sabbatean bosses being pulled down above their heads.

Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”

Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”

Source - YouTube

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Roma Gypsies Provoke Golden Dawn To Clash (VIDEO)

credit newsnow
Members of Kalamata's Roma gypsy community on Monday night nearly came to blows with supporters of the Golden Dawn party. The group of Roma men had apparently brought a 22-year-old member of their community into the hospital with injuries, which, they said, had been the result of a racially-motivated attack.

When the Roma gypsies realized that there were supporters from Golden Dawn there, they went ballistic and began accusing the far-right party of inciting the attack provoking the situation so that they can come to blows with them.

The hospital security staff acted swiftly, and immediately contacted the local police to help break up the scuffle.

The incident comes after a leading member of a Roma settlement in Komotini literally challenged the members of the Golden Dawn party to open combat, because he said he heard that a GD member said that the Roma are not Greeks.

(Oh brother...)

The video was then posted on YouTube and obviously HellasFrappe found it.

As viewed in the video, two Roma men are wielding guns, axes and chainsaws, and challenging Golden Dawn to conduct a raid on their settlement, which is on the outskirts of Komotini. The language used is "profound" to say the least, and the duel is to the death, according to what was left to be understood.
    "You will have to send a lot of guys to my camp."
While addressing the head of Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos, the crazed -and dangerous- Roma leader says that he has a lot of "crazy guys" to watch his back and then he pats another man standing next to him who is literally pointing a gun to the camera,
    "Michaloliakos, round up your mongrels," the man says.
(Editor - My My... Banania land, the man in this video is ridiculous, he has a little puppy standing next to him with a gun pointing at the camera one minute and an electronic chainsaw the next. Oh... And the puppy still finds the time to light his master's cigarette. Incredible. Not even trash tv could of had it so good. This is the most ridiculous video we have ever seen.)

Article in Greek - newsnow

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Papandreou Will Not Testify At Lagarde List Probe, To Submit Deposition

credit protothema
Former Prime Minister George Papandreou is not expected to testify to the parliamentary committee investigating the controversial Lagarde List scandal, but is rather going to submit written deposition (which was probably prepared for him by his staff of advisers).

The parliamentary is investigating whether or not ex-Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou tampered with the so-called Lagarde, which is a list of Greek depositors (or possible tax evaders) with fat accounts at the HSBC bank in Geneva.

The head of the committee, or New Democracy's Christos Markoyiannakis, had apparently spoken with Papandreou last week- to ask him how he would be responding to a summons to appear before the committee to testify and Papandreou answered that "if" he had time "out of his obligations in the United States" he would make an appearance.

"If" - Oh brother!

Mr. Papandreou forgets that his first obligation is to the Greek parliament where he was elected to represent the people of Achaia. He does not grace us with his presence... He was summoned to testify before a panel of officials that right now is judging whether or not George Papakostantinou should go to jail!

Besides, the evidence filed by former chief SDOE Ioannis Diotis in the parliamentary preliminary committee in March raised relentless questions about the role of the Hellenic National Intelligence Agency, George Papandreou and his former minister George Papakonstantinou in the handling of the Lagarde list.

More specifically, Diotis filed the electronic correspondence he had with Papakonstantinou few days before proceeding to copy the scandalous USB. Out of the messages exchanged between both men it looks like Papandreou and the former head of National Intelligence Kostas Bikas had full knowledge of the list and closely monitored its "exploitation".

So was Papandreou informed? No one knows, but the majority of the public already believes that he was very well aware of what was going on, as was his successor Evangelos Venizelos. Also, the general public is already convinced that Papakostantinou is responsible in this case, but at the same time most believe that the secret behind the Lagarde List was well known by all of PASOK's leadership past and present (Papandreou and Venizelos).


Margarita Papandreou To Release New Book

The chapter on the Papandreou family (or dynasty) might of ended, but it definitely made its mark in Greece for almost 100 years. As such, mama Margarita Papandreou decided to follow the footsteps of Dimitra Lianni Papandreou and release a book about the family and concentrate it on her life with Andreas Papandreou. According to news reports, Margarita Papandreou will describe how she met Andreas Papandreou, as well as analyze what her relationship was with his family. At the same time she will reveal the health problems that were faced by the late premier near the end of his life as well as expose unknown information about what went on behind closed doors while Papandreou was in power.

Article in Greek -Ta Nea

WikiLeaks Launches 'Kissinger Cables' Project

On Monday, the whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks began releasing more than 1.3 million US diplomatic cables from the period of the Cold War, 1973 – 1976 to the public. The project, dubbed "The Kissinger Cables" include records relating to former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and cover a variety of diplomatic traffic including cables, intelligence reports and other correspondence.

A report on novinite said that these include more than 227,000 cables classified as "CONFIDENTIAL" and 61,000 cables classified as "SECRET". Perhaps more importantly, there are more than 12,000 documents with the sensitive handling restriction "NODIS" or "no distribution", and more than 9,000 labeled "Eyes Only".

The public can search the data by geographical region and theme - which means that by selecting the corresponding field conditions "GR" for Greece and/or "CY" for Cyprus, you will be able to find all the diplomatic documents relating to both countries. Interestingly, there are quite a few cables for the period 1973-1976, or specifically 19,910 for Greece and 11.189 for Cyprus.

HellasFrappe is going to be translating the cables as released by the "Ta Nea" newspaper in Greece which has first dibs into the information.

At around 700 million words, the Kissinger Cables collection is approximately five times the size of WikiLeaks' Cablegate. It includes significant revelations about US involvements with fascist dictatorships, particularly in Latin America, under Franco's Spain (including about the Spanish royal family) and also in Greece under the regime of the Colonels.

The documents also contain hourly diplomatic reporting on the 1973 war between Israel, Egypt and Syria (or the "Yom Kippur war"). While several of these documents have been used by US academic researchers in the past, the Kissinger Cables provides unparalleled access to journalists and the general public.

WikiLeaks' publisher Julian Assange has stated: "The collection covers US involvements in and diplomatic or intelligence reporting on every country on Earth. It is the single most significant body of geopolitical material ever published."

In a press release, Wikileaks said that most of the records were reviewed by the United States Department of State's systematic 25-year declassification process. At review, the records were assessed and either declassified or kept classified with some or all of the metadata records declassified. Both sets of records were then subject to an additional review by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Once believed to be releasable, they were placed as individual PDFs at the National Archives as part of their Central Foreign Policy Files collection. Despite the review process supposedly assessing documents after 25 years there are no diplomatic records later than 1976. The formal declassification and review process of these extremely valuable historical documents is therefore currently running 12 years late.

Wikileaks further report that the form in which these documents were held at NARA was as 1.7 million individual PDFs. To prepare these documents for integration into the PlusD collection, WikiLeaks obtained and reverse-engineered all 1.7 million PDFs and performed a detailed analysis of individual fields, developed sophisticated technical systems to deal with the complex and voluminous data and corrected a great many errors introduced by NARA, the State Department or its diplomats, for example harmonizing the many different ways in which departments, capitals and people's names were spelt.

All Wikileaks corrective work is referenced and available from the links in the individual field descriptions on the PlusD text search interface:

According to the whistle-blowing site, the CIA and other agencies have attempted to reclassify or withhold sections of the US National Archives. Detailed minutes of US State Department meetings show that these attempts, which originated under the George W. Bush administration, have continued on through until at least 2009.

A 2006 analysis by the US National Security Archives, an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at George Washington University, found that 55 000 pages had been secretly reclassified.

The censorship of the US National Archives was thrown into stark relief in November last year when the Archive censored all searches for 'WikiLeaks' from its records.

Assange says "the US administration cannot be trusted to maintain the history of its interactions with the world, but fortunately, an organization with an unbroken record in resisting censorship attempts now has a copy."

WikiLeaks' media partners will be reporting throughout the week on their findings. The official WikiLeaks partner for Bulgaria is site for investigative journalism

In addition to Bivol, other partners are: Australia - Fairfax (Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, the Canberra Times and the Australian Financial Review), Argentina - Pagina 12, Brazil – Publica, Egypt - Al Masry Al Youm, Greece - Ta Nea, Guatemala - Plaza Publica, Haiti - Haiti Liberte, India - The Hindu, Italy - L'Espresso and La Repubblica, Lebanon - Al Akhbar, Mexico - La Jornada, Spain – Publico, Sweden – Aftonbladet, UK - Press Association, US - Associated Press and The Nation.

In our next post, we will be posting an article that was released on the Wikileaks site (and then in Ta Nea) about the oil and natural gas in the Aegean and the underground war that has been going on by the global elite who want to get their hands on this treasure for the past 40+ years.

Stay Tuned Frappers

Banking Sector Gets Set For Substantial Changes

Logo of the National Bank of Greece
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Greek banking sector is poised for substantial changes following Sunday night's decision to postpone a merger plan between National Bank (NBG) and Eurobank and to proceed with separate recapitalizations, abandoning the aim of recapitalizing a unified group after completion of a legal merger in June. The four systemic banks in Greece are now going to proceed with separate recapitalizations (Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank have already started relative procedures and have called for general shareholders' meetings to approve share capital increase plans).

In a statement issued late on Sunday night, the central Bank of Greece (BoG) said that a recapitalization process for all four systemic banks (National Bank, Alpha Bank, Eurobank and Piraeus Bank) will proceed as scheduled with the aim to be completed before the end of April.

The statement added that the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF)will fully cover its part in the share capital increase schemes and has already paid in advance the necessary capital, part of the 50 billion euros approved and earmarked in the framework of a financial aid programme agreed for the recapitalization of the Greek banking sector. The stability of the Greek banking system is therefore secured, as are all bank deposits, the central bank noted.

Shortly after the statement released by the Bank of Greece (in agreement with the troika), National Bank's and Eurobank's managements notified the central bank that they were unable to raise the 10 pct of private capital needed for their recapitalization. As a result, the Financial Stability Fund will begin procedures to take over control of the two banks and proceed with their recapitalization.

The Fund, as the main shareholder of the two banks, will decide whether the merger plan will proceed at a later stage, or whether the two banks will be sold. A Finance ministry official said that merger procedures were temporarily postponed and the Fund will have a final decision over the future of the merger plan. Responding to reporters' questions over whether the Fund would be able to decide on the sale of the two banks separately, the official said that the Fund can reach any decision it wanted, based on its criteria.

Meanwhile, Alpha Bank and Piraeus Bank are expected to hold extraordinary general shareholders' meetings to approve their share capital increase plans. The two banks' managements expressed their full optimism that they would maintain their private status by covering a 10 pct private participation needed in the share capital increase plan. (AMNA)

OPINION - Why Austerity Is Necessary

Austerity is under attack again, with Cyprus about to enter a program. Critics charge that austerity is self-defeating because it depresses growth, pushing up the debt/GDP ratio. However, austerity is a necessary (although far from sufficient) condition for countries with low national savings Indeed, there is some evidence that austerity is beginning to have positive effects. Higher savings have improved market perceptions of debt sustainability, making countries more resilient to shocks (Cyprus, Italian politics).

Austerity Is Necessary
Jeff Young
Woodbine Capital via zerohedge

What is austerity for?

Austerity is sold as a way to reduce public deficits, but what it is really supposed to do is raise net national savings (savings minus depreciation) in the entire economy (not just the public sector, the private sector too). Certainly one lesson of the rolling European crisis is that excess debt can create funding crises regardless of which sector – the government, banks, households, or corporations – did the borrowing. What is important is, are savings in the entire economy sufficient to finance debt in the entire economy? If no, debt sustainability will be questioned. But if a country increases its internally generated savings, it can service its current debts, and it can invest to create a stream of income to service debts in the future.

In this sense, the commonly used debt/GDP ratio – the stock of debt divided by the current year's income – is misleading. More relevant is the amount of GDP that will be created over the lifetime of the debt, and this is surely related to the amount of savings generated by austerity. Market perceptions of debt sustainability can improve even though the debt/GDP ratio rises. This will happen when austerity depresses current growth but raises net national savings. After the ERM crisis in 1992-1993, debt/GDP ratios in the hardest-hit countries rose for many years, but bond yields declined rather quickly, as net national savings rose.

To be sure, European governments have been guilty of false advertising. They claimed that fiscal austerity would not hurt growth. But in order to raise savings, it is necessary to consume or invest less (unless a country is lucky enough to enjoy an export or productivity boom). As a result, growth will suffer as a country raises savings. But once savings begin to recover, elements of a "virtuous circle" begin to fall into place. Debt is serviceable and investment can return, which further enhances perceptions of sustainability. Appropriate banking and monetary policies are also necessary, but they do not obviate the need for higher savings.

Which countries are saving themselves?

Let's look at the performance of the three program countries – Greece, Ireland, and Portugal – and Spain and Italy. Greece and Portugal had negative net national savings in the five years preceding the outbreak of the European sovereign crisis in 2010. This means that they were not even saving enough to maintain their existing capital stocks. Ireland had positive net national savings, although the level declined sharply. Spain looked more like Ireland – positive but declining net national savings – whereas Italy had lower levels.

As of last year, Greece had improved to about -5% of GDP (from -14% in 2011), Portugal to -4% (from a trough of -8% in 2009), and Ireland had managed to maintain small positive net savings. Greece and Portugal in particular have much further to go, but it is noteworthy that both countries managed to raise their net savings last year: gross savings rose, investment declined, and depreciation fell.

Ireland was almost lucky to have had its problem centered in real estate overinvestment. Once the real estate bubble ended and investment crashed, net savings rose more or less automatically. The crash of investment and real estate prices necessitated banking support, but once that was in place, higher net savings allowed the bond market to stabilize. Ireland has even begun to invest again (capital formation rose 2.6% in the fourth quarter of 2012, from a trough of -31% in early 2009).

This is an early sign that the process is entering into a virtuous circle.

Greece is a different story. There, excess consumption (both private and public) had left gross savings chronically low, and there was not a lot of investment to slash. The only way to raise net savings is to cut consumption, which is much more difficult than cutting investment.

Spain resembles Ireland, in that it sported an Asia-like investment rate of 30% of GDP before the crisis, mostly in construction. Since Spain hit the wall, investment has plunged, but almost entirely in construction (-10% of GDP), which has helped repair national savings with only a minimal impact on future growth potential (machinery and equipment investment is down by just 1.5% of GDP). Italian dynamics are less favorable, as savings were lower to begin with, and investment rates are low enough that they cannot be cut much further. This implies that politically difficult cuts in consumption will have to be the primary means to raise savings.

The scale and timing of the required increase in savings is a different question from whether savings need to increase. In some cases an official sector program, or even restructuring, might be necessary. But this does not reduce the need to raise net national savings. It just suggests a different path for higher savings, or in other words, a different dosage of the same medicine, rather than a different medicine altogether.

Limited contagion from Cyprus?

Contagion to other sovereign markets has been muted since the Cyprus crisis flared up, despite poor crisis management and losses on certain classes of claimants (bank depositors and creditors) that constituted about as severe a shock as could be imagined. Perhaps Cyprus is just too small to matter. But perhaps the increase in net national savings in periphery countries has left them in a stronger position to withstand shocks. With a bigger pool of domestic resources available for debt service, contagion is less likely. Much more remains to be done (after all, Portugal and Greece still have negative net national savings), so the improvements might be enough to withstand a really large shock. But they have made the system less fragile.

In a similar vein, the EUR has been largely stable since the Cyprus shock: the EUR is down, but only modestly and in line with cyclical factors, with no contribution from fragmentation and ‘redenomination’ fears. Since last year there have been greater self-efforts to rebuild savings, and a wider mutualized backstop at the European level, effectively reducing (although not eliminating) euro redenomination risks. To some observers, the high reliance on self-help to save a currency union is contradictory and maybe even mutually exclusive, but such is the hybrid that is the EUR.

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