
December 2, 2013

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Russia's Sergei Shoigu in Athens To Sign Defence Agreements

English: MOSCOW. Minister of Civil Defence, Em...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Russian Federation Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu would sign an agreement on defence and technical cooperation during his two-day visit to Athens beginning Monday.

Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said in Moscow last Friday at a press conference, that the agreement between Greece and Russia is going to bring the legal basis of their collaboration in this sector to its completion.

The Deputy Minister noted that while in Greece Shoigu would present long-range plans and that he had scheduled meetings with his counterpart Dimitris Avramopoulos and military and political leaders.

Shoigu's visit to Greece will be brief and full of targeted meetings with leading officials. Russian officials feel that after these meetings are concluded, both countries will strengthen their relations even further.

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