
November 14, 2013

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While Erdogan Ignores Cyprus... George Papandreou Decides To Plant Trees In Constantinople

World-traveller, and the beloved child of the elite, George Papandreou made a symbolic visit to Gezi Park in Taksim Square in Constantinople earlier this week on the sidelines of a conference that was organised by the opposition Popular Republican Party CHP together with the Socialist International. Together with other socialist leaders participating in the conference, Papandreou posed for snapshots while he symbolically planted a tree in the park which the Turkish opposition wants to promote as a symbol of its struggle against the government (particularly in view of the municipal elections which are scheduled in March 2014).

Replying to questions by the press, Papandreou stressed that, parallel to his capacity as president of the Socialist International, he will continue to promote Greek-Turkish relations -which he noted were very positive- while he said that he particularly appreciates the cooperation with the Turkish government (basically Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and  President Abdullah Gul).

All this of course a few hours after Erdogan said "there is no country called Cyprus but a local government of southern Cyprus".

         "Pay attention. It was not accepted as southern Cyprus but as Cyprus. There is no country called Cyprus but a local government of southern Cyprus. Because there is North Cyprus there is a green line between them with UN security teams. Absolutely no country within the EU should be facing security problems. This place has such an internal problem. The EU could not admit it but the decision was entirely political." T. Erdogan - Cick here to read more
Instead, Papandreou expressed hope for progress in the Cyprus issue, which he stressed would facilitate an overall improvement in Greek-Turkish relations.

You see for Papandreou, it is always "business as usual" and we all know that his interpretation of this does not in any way whatsoever serve Greek and/or Cyprus interests.

Shame on him.

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