
September 13, 2013

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New Era Dawns for Hellenes Everywhere: Natural Gas Flame Lights Up At Cyprus' Plot 12 (VIDEO)

A new era has dawned for Hellenes everywhere. Cypriot natural gas is of superior quality and the deposit (or Plot 12) meets all the necessary expectations in terms of volume. This first show of results from the confirmatory drilling in Plot 12 occurred two days ago and as you can all see from the video above, the pressure, and the color of the flame, etc., could possibly even exceed all initial estimates.

What does this all mean?


Cyprus is officially in the "club" of energy producing nations and obviously this means that on the global front it will earn more respect, be somewhat protected, and it will attract great investment, etc...

Hopefully, Greece will be next in line, however it is still unknown whether or not our country will exploit its  reserves for itself thanks to George Papandreou and the Memorandums of shame. (All evidence so far suggests that the Greek reserves are far greater than that of the Cypriot ones).

*Keep in mind that the video starts off a little slow, but give it about a minute and then watch the magic.

Bravo Cyprus!

Article in Greek defencenet

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