


April 18, 2013

SYRIZA IN FOR A WILD RIDE - Tsipras Dilemma As Anti-Euro Feeling Splits The Left

A week is a very long time in Greek politics

Over the last 24 hours, senior media and lobbying sources in Athens have suggested that the decision of SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras to accept the Euro as "a given" in Greek mainstream politics is about to backfire badly.

Unofficial polling data suggests that SYRIZA’s support among young activists has taken a further dive since the wobble revealed by voter research earlier in the week when SYRIZA growth was shown to have stalled, and Samaras was still strongly preferred to Tsipras as Prime Minister material.
    "Alexis (Tsipras) is already seen by the young Left as compromised,” said a well-placed political PR source, “and it looks like SYRIZA support is beginning to tail off”.
There is now much talk in Athenian political circles about leakage away from Tsipras towards other Leftist schisms - especially the newly launched Plan B Party.

Two weeks ago today, Alekos Alavanos, former head of the major opposition party Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) launched "Plan B" with a platform calling for Greece to exit the Eurozone (and return to the drachma).

Although currently a clear majority of Greeks are against leaving the euro, another source this morning claimed, “the real nature of our debt and economic position here (in Greece) is going to become clear very quickly now. This will change everything ... very soon - such that by end of May latest, arguing to remain in the Euro will be political suicide".

We are approaching a sea-change.

Stay tuned.

The Slog

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