
April 20, 2013

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PLOT THICKENS - 3rd USB Revealed In Lagarde List Scandal

A second inspection done on a laptop belonging to Ioannis Diotis, former head of the Economic Crime Squad (SDOE), was sent to Parliament's investigation committee by the two financial prosecutors (or the dynamic duo) who are investigating the Lagarde list scandal.

The expert report which was drawn up on the hard drive of the computer quite shockingly showed traces of at least 23 USB sticks, three of which are said to be associated with the Lagarde list.

A report from the state news agency said that the third USB stick was "entered" for the first time on the computer by Diotis on 15/7/2011 and the last connection was made on 16/1/2012.

Also the new information reveals that there was a total of 2,059 files on the hard drive, but three files containing information about former finance minister George Papakonstantinou's relations are missing.

According to members of the probing committee, a "memory stick" handed by Diotis to the then finance minister Evangelos Venizelos was entered into Diotis' computer 8/7/2011 at 14:01:41 pm and disconnected the same night at 11:01:44 pm.
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