


February 11, 2013

Papandreou Puttin On The Ritz In NY - Planning To Move Next To Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna

While almost one third of Greek people have been pushed into poverty, former Prime Minister George Papandreou is apparently living the high life. In fact the former premier doesn't have a problem about flaunting his wealth anymore since it was reported that he is getting set to live in a luxury apartment in Manhattan, courtesy of Columbia University.

According to the ProtoThema newspaper good old George is "putting on the ritz" and is going to move into an area where most of his neighbors are either multi-millionaire actors, actresses and international entertainers. This old chap couldn't settle for anything less. The buzz is that the rent for the simplest one-bedroom apartment in areas such as these runs at about US $1,500, and don't even think about trying to buy an apartment because the starting price is at about US $2 million.

For now though, and while his new apartment is being prepared, poor George has to rough it out at a luxury hotel. Indeed this is all covered by Columbia University of course. (I think we have noted in the past that the one percent always takes care of their own).

Good old George -or Mr. Champagne socialist- couldn't settle for anything less. ProtoThema said that one of the terms on his contract with Columbia was that he live in a posh, or elite area of the city. He has to keep up with his image of being a wanna-be statesman (when we all know all along that he is nothing more than a social worker).

So for the next six months, George is going to take jogs in one of the most luxurious areas of New York City’s West Side, where Hollywood stars such as Denzel Washington live, or where singers such as Beyonce, Madonna, Sting go out for a stroll. In fact George's new neighbors even include personalities such as Lady Gaga, Sarah-Jessica Parker and even film star Matt Damon.

At the same time this old chap will fly around the world and give (prepared) lectures about giving to the poor, distributing the wealth... oh of course and a one world government. (Got to keep up with his Socialist bullsh**t rhetoric at the same time).

Oh, and we almost forgot. Aside from the countless (prepared) speeches he is giving worldwide, Papandreou is also going to receive a whopping US $30,000 for seven lectures (or guest appearances) at Columbia University. Yes George will not only address issues related to the world's poor, while at the same time live next to people who obviously drink dom perignon for breakfast, and especially while one third of Greeks now search for food in rubbish bins, he will also enlighten other minds on how to follow suit. (That is why we here at HellasFrappe believe that the course he is planning to teach at Columbia should be renamed to - "How to Stage A Successful Scam: The Story of An Opportunist")

Indeed we are being ironic and very sarcastic here at HellasFrappe but we cannot help it. Everything this man does provokes so much anger in us. We focus on Greece and know first hand what he and his policies have done here. We only know how much suffering there is, and how the people of this country feel after being duped into electing him into office. The repercussions of his political decisions have destroyed this country for at least 30 years and he has the nerve to move into an elite area of New York without a care in the world about what is going on in the country that he supposedly represents. This is a tragedy, and we do not know what else we need to do to make the world realize that this man is a criminal. Also, we still cannot comprehend why the world -or specific elite circles- continue to applaud him.

Friends, if we really want to change the world, then people such as Papandreou should be placed behind bars and should not be given any opportunities. If we continue to give opportunities to men such as him then a new Greece will begin emerging in other areas of the world.

Attending his lectures out of will or curiosity only elevates his argument that what he did here was a success and we cannot do that. We need to signal him out as being part of a system that clearly only takes care of its own.

Oh... and if any of our American friends are reading this, and especially the students at Columbia University, we ask that you really think twice about attending his course. We ask that you travel to Greece this summer for one week. Do not travel to any of the Greek islands and do not stay at a comfortable hotel. Simply stay with an average Greek family and follow their daily lives, then and only then will you be able to grasp and comprehend what we are talking about.

Reference in Greek - madata