
January 15, 2013

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SOCIETY HAS GONE MAD - Papandreou Top Name At Lecture, Above Dalai Lama

Your favorite and mine (clearing throat) George Papandreou is back in the game and apparently on a role. After destroying Greece's economy, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to cross over into Greece, binding our country hand and foot to austerity which resulted in thousands of suicides and after sending more than one third of the population into complete poverty, he is now gallivanting all over the US and playing the statesman and lecturer.

Yes, this "innovative" thinker, this bright mind of a man (Einstein just rolled in his grave) is now in demand, so much so that his name is being highlighted on upcoming events and has even outdone the Dalai Lama! Yes you heard correctly. Our boy outdid the Dalai Lama. Mama Margarita must be so proud.

And what do you suppose is the focus of his topic - or area of expertise?

Ta.. Ta... Ta... Da...

The "Economic crisis and the fate of Europe."

How ironic, the man who almost brought the Eurozone to its knees is now lecturing about the crisis in Europe and the future of the EU.

His next gig is apparently in Oregon, according to the World Affairs Council where he will be the FIRST speaker - while His Holiness the Dalai Lama is going to be the last.

Do these event organizers work for Soros? Because there is no other explanation for this madness. Seriously, what kind of people plan to dish out money to listen to George cough out a load of cr***p about his vision for Europe? And why would these organizers highlight him as the key note speaker above subjects such as world peace, and feeding the poor with personalities such as the Dalai Lama? They must work for Soros... there is no other explanation.

It is beyond us. What kind of people attend these lectures anyway? Is it a type of mobile crowd so as to build up George's reputation as a bright thinker? Do they follow him from city to city?

All jokes aside, this man is a simple social worker! Check out his credentials!!!!

As for him returning to Greece... We believe that this is highly unlikely because he is having a whale of time in his homeland and is finally living the dream. Why be in the eye of the storm in Greece, and take the responsibility for degrading and destroying a country, when you can live shamelessly and have a crowd of people adore you for teaching them how to do the same. Besides he always said he was a "citizen of the world" rather than saying he was Greek, and aside from that there is hardly anything left standing here in Greece for him to further destroy, he did a great job in just two short years.

George Lucas can take a few lessons from Papandreou on how to capitalize on a job well done. Lucas sold mugs and pillows using his character R2D2... but our George sells a whole nation and now teaches others how to do it as well!

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