
January 27, 2013

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New Democracy Takes Lead Over SYRIZA In 3 New Polls

Several public opinion polls, published in the Sunday editions of "To Vima", "ProtoThema" and "Real News" show the conservative New Democracy party as being in the lead over the radical left opposition party SYRIZA. Specifically, ND was shown ranging between 21.5-23.1 percent, compared to a 20.2-22 percent average for SYRIZA. New Democracy's leads are below 2 percent but confirm a recent trend in favor of the conservatives.

Averaging Out The Three Polls
  • New Democracy - 22.9%
  • SYRIZA - 21.2%
  • Golden Dawn - 10.5%
  • PASOK - 7.2%
  • KKE - 5.5%
  • DIMAR - 4.8%
  • Independent Greeks 4.6%
  • Other Parties - 6.4%
  • Unspecified - 14.6%
There was a huge difference in the popularity of leaders as well. Antonis Samaras collected an average of 42% preceded by Alexis Tsipras with 17.7% (or 46.9% vs 29.2%).
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