
July 25, 2012

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SPECIAL REPORT - They Expel An Olympic Athlete For a Joke But Allow The World To Mock Us Everyday!

While UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is in FYROM with mediator Matthew Nimetz discussing the issue of the name, and while Turkey continues to threaten Greece with war if it delineates its EEZ, the state which never once defends Greek interests decided today to show its might -and humanitarian side- by hitting on the little guy who decided to make a funny remark on a twitter account.

Triple jumper Voula Papachristou was expelled from Greece’s Olympic team on Wednesday for her comments on Twitter which according to news reports mock African illegal immigrants who live in the country. Commenting on the widely reported appearance of Nile-virus-carrying mosquitoes in Athens, Papachristou said that "with so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food!"

The message went viral and Dora Bakoyannis' husband S.Kouvelas who heads the Hellenic Olympic Committee decided to expel her from the London games because he said it did not show sportsmanship or brotherhood. More exactly, in a statement the Hellenic Olympic Committee said that Papachristou is going to be "placed outside the Olympic team for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement."

Papachristou got positive and negative reactions to her comment and her initial reaction on Tuesday was to tweet: "that’s how I am. I laugh. I am not a CD to get stuck! And if I make mistakes, I don’t press replay! I press play and move on!" On Wednesday and after the incident began to be featured on the international news she posted five apologetic tweets in less than two hours. The last tweet, a very long one in English, which was posted on her Facebook account, reads:
"I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account. I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights. My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races. I would like to apologize to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted or shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologize to my coach and my family."
Before the publication of the last tweet, the Democratic Left party, had published a statement assailing the "racist humor" and calling on the Hellenic Olympic Committee to expel Papachristou from the Olympics! On its part PASOK, which relies on the votes from immigrants and which attempted to legalize hundreds of thousands of them so that it can have a bigger foot in government had the audacity to say that  "matters that deal with the human status should not be treated lightly by anyone and especially from the members of the sports community, who are symbols to young people."

And of course Kouvelas listened to his the left party + and especially to Venizelos - since we all know that his wife fully supports Venizelos and has never once supported the New Democracy party and especially Antonis Samaras.

Is this how the Democratic Left party responded to the provocations by FYROManians against Greeks? Or is this how they reacted every time Turkey raised the issue of war if we dared to delineate Greece's EEZ and extend our territorial waters? Did you ever see PASOK reacting? Personally I saw George Papandreou dancing zembekiko with Turks, and I saw Venizelos giving speeches in front of hundreds of illegal immigrants from Pakistan.

And you know something... you probably will never see them defending Greeks.

These "progressive" parties have destroyed this country... they are a cancer that cannot be cured. Till this day try to convince us that they fight for the "little guy" and human rights but have no common sense or decency to anything that is Greek. I mean how can a socialist or a semi-communist fight for the little guy when he lives in a million dollar home and is chauffeured around town in an automobile that costs about a million euros. Can this person talk about human rights? Who are they kidding?

Is this how the New Democracy party expects to govern this country?
By allowing its other two partners to dictate to it and send orders to committees to can athletes for making a joke? Where were all these parties and their reflexes when FYROM was adopting the Vergina Sun on its national flag? Where were they when Turkish war frigates were sailing Greek waters and neared Athens? Where were they when thousands of Tsams went to the Albanian-Greek boarders and demanded that we hand over half of Greece to them? Where were they every time a Greek man or woman jumped off a balcony because they could not live in shame from owing so much money to the state that they could not even face their own loved ones?

They were no where to be found.

They do not care about us, and trust me they want a divided society.

They do not want us united. They cannot control a society if it is united.

And they especially do not want us to stand tall and proud.

Hunger we can bear... but we cannot continue to walk with our heads below the sand.

And, one last thing, you see how quickly the focus turned away from the Troika's visit to Greece and suddenly everyone is talking about a joke?

Aside from the anger I feel as a common citizen at Mrs. Bakoyianni, her husband Mr. Kouvelas, the Democratic Left Party, PASOK and especially Antonis Samaras for allowing all of this to happen, I am also furious with the foreign media which totally slammed and ridiculed this poor young girl and added even more fuel to the fire by claiming that she expressed sentiment for far-right parties. Here are just a few press reports.
(Associated Press) — Triple jumper Voula Papachristou was expelled from Greece's Olympic team Wednesday for her comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party. (source)

NY Daily News - Papachristou also expressed support of far-right party in Greece; Greek Olympic committee says her statements run contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement (source )

BBC - But the Hellenic Olympic Committee said her posts mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party went against the Olympic spirit. (source)
Listen you brainless buffoons... 

You parrots of information who for the past two and a half years have continually slandered and slammed our country and its people.

Everyday you publish stories about our so-called default, everyday you send numerous Greek citizens to their death because you have never once criticized let alone questioned the intentions of the credit agencies that come out with outrageous ratings against countries such as our own but instead slam us because we are easier targets by calling us lazy, inadequate, and corrupt.

You are nothing more than heartless infidels who are not even capable of handing out a perfume sample let alone report the news..

I will say it LOUD and CLEAR so you can all come to grips with the harsh truth. The girl did not say anything about the far-right and she especially did not say anything about the Golden Dawn party. She made a simple joke, just like we all do, or have done so about blonds, redheads, about Eskimos, about Pakis... or even about the Polish people.

Stop being hypocrites. You have all done it!

I understand you cannot read Greek, and therefore could not make out what she wrote on her first message but Jesus Christ why the hell did you have to add that extra bit about the far right? Where did Golden Dawn, the slap he gave to Liana Kanelli and the far-right fit in to her statement? Are you all so incompetent?  Did you do this so you can spice up your stories? Was the subject too boring beforehand? Or too innocent?

I only have this to say... She should SUE all of you for slander.
Some civilizations throw shoes to show their disgust at people... Greeks usually use words and the palms of their hands.

So with my ten fingers open wide I say PARTE TA OLOI sas. This includes the Greek state, the Hellenic Olympic Committee, and especially the foreign media!

(No I will not translate).

Marina Spanos
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Ziazias Resigns As Chief of GES.. But Shockingly Gathers Officers And Gives Political Manifesto!

Chief of the Army General Staff (GES), Lt.-Gen Constantine Ziazias, tendered his resignation on Wednesday, a GES announcement said. Just hours before a top government meeting of Greece's council on foreign policy and defense, which is to be chaired by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Ziazias said that he was resigning from his post "for reasons of ethics and dignity, both mine and the Army's". No further details were given.

Ziazias, 57, was appointed nine months ago, just before the previous Socialist government stepped down. Changes of government in Greece are routinely followed by new top military appointments, and the current three-party coalition took over last month. But it was not entirely clear why Ziazias quit as chief of staff.

Opposition parties reacted to the resignation by accusing the conservative-led ruling coalition of trying to interfere in the appointments of army officers, a charge Defense Minister Panos Panayiotopoulos denied. Panayiotopoulos said the council decided to replace Ziazias with Lt. Gen. Constantinos Ginis.

Following his resignation, Ziazia's political ideologies took over (even though George Papandreou's PASOK party -which he was a proud fan of, is non-existent) and he called for a gathering of officers (!) in the auditorium of the General Staff (!) and announced his political manifesto! The move was indeed unprecedented and can only be described as being an institutional diversion with unknown intentions.

The move can also be viewed as a "mini" coup and it is truly a wonder who allowed him to do so.

In his speech he said he was given several lists of names of army personnel so that he can evaluate their work, and that he found this insulting because he felt that this was a direct interference in his work. Ziasia also (ridiculously) criticized the government's determination to select and appoint the correct staff - and place them in critical and strategic positions -  so that they can better meet the department's needs.

As if he was appointed to his position because of his brilliant skills! His arrogance is unprecedented... and he is probably suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Doesn't he remember that he was "given" the post of Chief of the General Staff because George Papandreou was in power? Let us refresh his memory.

Doesn't he remember that on November 2, 2011, and in a shock announcement, former Defense Minister Panos Beglitis - a very, very close ally of Papandreou - said that the chiefs of the Greek army, navy and air force would be replaced by senior officers? He then announced changes just two days before the government staged a confidence vote; and perhaps weeks before the so-called referendum vote, on the bailout rescue package that Greece received from leaders of the European Union (EU).

At the time, General Ioannis Giagkos, chief of the Greek National Defense General Staff, was replaced by Lieutenant General Michalis Kostarakos; Lieutenant General Fragkos Fragkoulis (probably the best Greece has to offer), who was acting chief of the Greek Army General Staff (and later became defence minister), was replaced by Lieutenant General Konstantinos Zazias; Lieutenant General Vasilios Klokozas, chief of the Greek Air Force, was replaced by Air Marshal Antonis Tsantirakis; and Vice-Admiral Dimitrios Elefsiniotis, chief of the Greek Navy General Staff, was replaced by Rear-Admiral Kosmas Christidis. All these men were the best that Greece's forces had to offer... but Papandreou overlooked this, and through Beglitis appointed men to these posts who did not even fulfill the criteria.

At the time, neither Beglitis nor any other government official in Papandreou's governmed cared to explain why they did this but reports at the time stated that said that Papandreou or someone in his regime feared that a military coup was threatening to overthrow his government. This was NEVER proven, and reports later on showed that this was a lie that was used by Papandreou as an excuse for the "referendum" issue.

At the time, all opposition parties, from far-right to far-left, condemned the government’s decision to replace the military bosses and the New Democracy which is now in power had vowed in a statement back then that if it won the next elections it would not accept these military assignments because they were politicizing the army. Moreover, even the SYRIZA party had slammed Papandreou's decision stressing that his government wanted to create "a highly politicized armed forces that it can control at a time of political crisis.”

So who is Ziazias kidding?

Editor's Note - He can't speak about "honor" when he knows that the chair he was sitting on was simply given to him because he was loyal to a political party, and it was not earned because of hard work and service to one's country as it was by all the other generals mentioned above. The difference with him and all these other army generals is that they are patriots and follow protocol... he is only a "komatoskylo" (a servant of his political party) and follows whatever his political party says. Good-bye and good riddance!


PROVOCATION - Super Powers Changing Maps & Shifting Boarders! - Greece & Crete Included...

The Albanian state news agency INA published a story recently claiming that the West and Russia (?) wants Kosovo to join Albania, and at the same time plans to annex land from FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro (in order to pursue its dream of the Greater Albania).

Meanwhile, maps of Russia and America "anticipate" dismantling of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and these lands will be shared between Croatia and Serbia.

But boarders will also change in Europe. For instance, Scotland will declare independence in the 2013 referendum and then it will become one with Ireland. According to the same news release, the Basque Country and Catalonia will become new independent states and they will also steal some French territory so France's boarders are also going to shift. On its part, the government of France will deport immigrants and in return they will create a new Islamic state in the south of France.

The release also noted that Lorraine will join Germany, while the Flemish Region will separate itself from Belgium and join Holland. Poland will lose Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia, and then these regions will be claimed by the Germans and the Russians.

Speaking about Russia, the release said that Moscow will lose the Kaliningrad region which will be joined with Germany while Belarus is going to be incorporated in Russia as will Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine. Russia will have a hard time in the Caucasus region and it is expected that they will lose Chechnya and Dagestan.

As for Greece... The country looks intact, however the island of Crete is not yellow. So this can only mean one thing. that the subject of its possible separation from Greece is becoming more and more real. This just comes to confirm the indirect statements by former PM George Papandreou in October 2011. While speaking to the Socialist International Conference taking place in Agios Nikolaos Papandreou gave substance to a speculation that has been rampant over the last two years in many diplomatic circles in Athens: An imminent separation of Crete from Greece!  At the conference which focused on the developments on the Middle East following the Arab Spring Papandreou directly referred to Crete as an independent country or upcoming independent state! (read the story by clicking here)

Source in Greek - Eleftheri Zoni

Korydallos Swimming Pool And BBQ To Be Scrapped

It looks like Greece's largest maximum security prison is not going to get the chance to keep its waterfall-adorned, and BBQ-equipped pool. The Justice Ministry ordered the destruction of the 7.4-meter (24-foot) long pool which was constructed in the yard of Korydallos prison's psychiatric wing, claiming that the structure was built without permission and most importantly does not comply with health and safety standards.

The pool's existence at the jail near Athens was reported by the Sunday edition of the Proto Thema newspaper. The ministry said the structure, reportedly built last year, includes a small rock waterfall and a poolside barbecue installation.

Greece's Prison Officers Association said the pool was built using money the group raised and was restricted to staff and inmates at the psychiatric wing. Korydallos houses some 2,300 inmates, with about 300 receiving some form of psychiatric care.

The association expressed disappointment over the order to destroy the pool, which it called part of an attempt «to change things for the better — viewing inmates at those facilities as human beings and not numbers."

Overcrowding at Greek prisons has worsened since the start of the country's major financial crisis in late 2009, according to the Justice Ministry and the prison officers association, due to a spike in violent crime and prosecutions for tax-related offenses.

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