
March 1, 2012


38 Skeletons Found In Turkish Prison Suspected To Be Greek Cypriot

Thirty-eight skeletons were found in the Diyarbakir prison in Turkey, according to politician MEP Eleni Theocharous. Asking the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee for assistance in determining whether they belong to Greek Cypriot prisoners of war from the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Theoharous noted that the 38 skeletons had been executed with 9mm bullets to the head adding that based on DNA tests they have not been identified as belonging to Turkish or Kurdish prisoners.

The news itself is an incredible development that should be thoroughly investigated to determine whether or not it is true, because their families and loved ones are still waiting near the buffer zone after all these years to learn more about their fate.

Her request for assistance was accepted by the Committee and its Chairman Elmar Brok, instructed Ria Oomen-Ruijten, European Parliament's rapporteur on to meet with the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the EU to discuss and investigate the issue.

Once again Turkey will be asked to apologize for the crimes it committed and we bet that for yet another time Ankara will refuse to cooperate in verifying the identities of the unfortunate victims.

Secret ISDA Meeting To Decide Fate Of Greek CDS (VIDEO)

A panel comprising of representatives from 15 large banks, hedge funds and investment houses (or the International Swaps and Derivatives Association - ISDA) is apparently holding a meeting as we speak to issue a verdict on whether or not Greece΄s debt restructuring have triggered credit default swap contracts, or CDS.

The Wall Street Journal said in an article on Thursday that no outsiders can participate in the meeting, and no transcript will be made public. When a decision is announced the committee doesn΄t have to provide an explanation. There is no opportunity for investors to appeal. The impact of their decision, said the same report, will reverberate beyond the narrow confines of the Greek debt market and could affect investors across other European bond markets and the holders of $2.9 trillion in CDS on government debt around the world.

Most believe a credit default will be triggered on March 9th, regardless of the ISDA decision.

Nonetheless, the firms participating on the committee are well known. Some market officials say it is comprised by (surprise surprise) Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), Deutsche Bank AG (DB, DBK.XE) and Morgan Stanley (MS).

Other members, claimed a separate report on olympia include (surprise, surprise AGAIN) the Bank of America / Merrill Lynch, Barclays, BNP Paribas,Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA, Societe Generale and UBS.

The consultants, noted the same article, include names such as Citibank and The Royal Bank of Scotland, while non-voting members expected to participate include BlueMountain Capital (Second Term Non-dealer), Citadel LLC (First Term Non-dealer), DE Shaw Group (First Term Non-dealer), Elliott Management Corporation (Third Term Non-dealer) and Pacific Investment Management Co., LLC (Second Term Non-dealer).

To understand the issue better hellasfrappe has also include a report which was posted by Porta2Porta on scribd.

EU΄s Hahn: Greece Must Take Charge & Change

EU donors and international companies face huge obstacles in making investment in Greece work, even if billions of euros flow back to the stricken economy, one of the EU΄s top economic official said earlier this week. The European Union aims to invest 20 billion euros in Greece by 2013 and a Greek privatization program is designed to raise another 19 billion by 2015, with industries from food to tourism potentially lucrative investment draws.

But foreign investors must grapple with confusing bureaucracy and a legal system that takes years to deliver rulings, complicating efforts to revive economic growth, said the EU commissioner for regional policy, Johannes Hahn.

Yet imposing yet more foreign control on the euro zone΄s most indebted state or creating a European commissioner for Greece is not the answer, Hahn told Reuters in an interview.

"The Greek authorities have to deliver. We cannot have a commissioner imposing laws from above," Hahn said at his office at the European Commission in Brussels. "We are talking about the initiatives needed from the Greeks, about creating an investment climate. It΄s not just about money anymore," said the Austrian, who has made multiple trips to Athens.

Greece won a reprieve from bankruptcy last week when the EU and the International Monetary Fund approved a 130 billion euro ($174.5 billion) bailout, following a 110 billion euro rescue deal in 2010, the terms of which forced deep spending cuts on Athens but failed to resolve its debt crisis.

Reflecting anger at Athens΄ broken promises on confronting tax evasion and completing privatizations nearly two years into its first rescue package, dozens of officials from EU member states will set up in Greece on a permanent basis over the coming months to make sure it meets targets linked to the new bailout.

Along with the "troika" of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF that assess Greece΄s progress in meeting the goals linked to the first bailout, the EU already has a task force in Athens to help reform the economy.

Read More - Capital

X-Files - Is The End Near? - Mini Documentary (VIDEO)

2.Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Isaiah 30:25And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

Is the end near? Were the predictions made by the Mayans correct?  Is an asteroid headed towards earth? Will solar flares and killer fireballs threaten our planet in 2012? Will there be a pole shift? Will the sun's magnetic field reverse? Or is the world going to destroy itself by engaging in WWIII?

Let's face it, we are living in a period of time that is of overwhelming interest to all. Political leaders and legislators, men and women who hold positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention focused upon the events taking place around us.

Unlike one hundred years ago, people today are watching the strained, restless relations that exist between countries. Thousands observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element, and they realize that something great and decisive is about to happen--it appears that the world is on the verge of its most tremendous crisis.

Even with all the signs that are taking place, there are many people who scoff -or rather laugh- at the idea that our world might be coming to an end. Not to worry, today's X-Files has the answer. For the first time in history a convergence of data from many entities and sciences have come together in a dire warning and this new mini-documentary is proof of that and should be viewed by all with an open mind.

An unsettling report prepared by Viktor Seleznyov, director of the Geophysical Institute at the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), on the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the Tyva Republic in Russia’s East Siberia on Sunday warns that more seismic activity should be expected within the coming weeks and that this event is part of an ever increasing body of evidence pointing to a “rapid” shifting in our Earth’s magnetic poles. Click here to read this story

There is an asteroid called 2011 AG5, and if it follows the orbit scientists have plotted for it so far, there is a small, small chance that it could hit Earth in February 2040. Don't quit your job and sell your house just yet. Astronomers, who have been tracking the asteroid since January 2011, say it is in an elliptical orbit that could bring it somewhere near Earth in 2040. Earth is about 8,000 miles in diameter; the asteroid appears to be about 450 feet across. Source - ABCnews

Will 2012 be the year for the ultimate confrontation that will lead to the destruction of Turkey, the collapse of NATO and will we witness the rise of the Fourth Reich? Is Russia going to suffer a recession in 2012? Will the US become a police state and will Texas, Hawaii, Alaska, Maine and Vermont call for independence?Will Fidel Castro die? Will chaos brake out in the United Kingdom? These questions do indeed sound bizarre and far-fetched but given the circumstances who is to say that they could not be true? So will there be a war in the Eastern Mediterranean between the super powers and is China going to collapse? All these questions and more can be found in pravda's annual prediction calender which was just released. Click here to read this story

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