
February 4, 2012

Greek-German Politician Says Greece Must Change Its Name!

OK folks... are you sitting down? German parliamentarian with the FDP party, Georgos Chatzimarkakis (yes you read correctly a Greek-German) told the magazine on Saturday that Greece should not be called Greece anymore because its name has been fried in the face of its European allies! This fruitcake of a politician actually had the manhood to say that the name of Greece in Europe translates to a broken political system and should cease to exist.

We want to remind Mr. Chatzimarkakis that the name "Europe" is Greek and as member of the Greek Communist Party Liana Kanelli said "you (meaning all of Europe) still need an Acropolis to have a European idea of a civilization" !

Aside from a wide FIVE FINGER salute which we extend with both hands to Mr. Chatzimarkakis, we also call on the Greek Omogeneia in Germany to punish him accordingly in his country's forthcoming elections. Also we propose that he change his name into something that is not shameful to him... and that the Greek Consulate in Germany proclaim him as a persona non grata.

Ou na xatheis... 


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18 Questions To Angela Merkel That Raise Controversy (And Many Eyebrows) - MUST READ

During the war of Independence in 1821 we were introduced to the Filiki Eteria or the Society of Friends. This organization's only purpose at the time was to overthrow Ottoman rule over Greece and to establish an independent Greek state and its members were mainly young Phanariot Greeks from Russia and local chieftains from Greece. Almost 200 years later a "New Society of Friends" emerged with thousands of members all over Europe. The association had sent a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel which left us in complete awe here at HellasFrappe because it featured 18 key questions which not only raise eyebrows, but are downright scandalous!

The letter, which later widely circulated on the Internet in mid February 2012 (ahead of the Greek national elections, and certainly one year before the German national elections), directly accused the German government of financial scandals, bribery, extortion, etc, from 1998 until the present date.

It does not only point out blackmail, but also speaks about bribery and corruption of Greek politicians as well as journalists, while it exposes how German economics and intelligence has worked against Greece on matters of the economy, politics and even on Greek national issues.

We cannot confirm whether the information in this letter is true or not, but the group that posted this letter is very passionate about everything that it has openly charged the German government with.


(The letter was translated in English by the staff at hellsfrappe. Please note that a direct translation could not be made -meaning word for word- and this is because the letter needed to make sense in the English language. If you want to read the original text -which is in Greek-, then click on the links provided at the end of the text.)

Angela Merkel,

If you do not remember anything Mrs. Merkel ... never mind, we will help you. We have all the evidence ... places, dates, bank accounts, all the data on corrupt officials ... even the type of underwear they wear."
  1. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that Germany has overseen, promoted and even guided the collection and "legalization" of illegal funds to every politician and opposition party in countries such as Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Romania from June 1998 until the present date?
  2. It is true that fifteen percent of all income from collected supplies flows into the secret accounts of Bavaria's Christian Democratic Party (CSU) and then is distributed to other German parties, so as to ensure the funding of covert operations?
  3. It is true that this political pillage investment fund policy began on June 6, 1998 when Berlin received a US bonds package worth 80 million dollars, sent by a Greek party (supplies from a Dutch frigates program) and was received by representatives in Germany, a German central bank as well as a French bank?
  4. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that the pension bonds which you offer to these corrupt politicians, (are in the context of) persuading (them) to always adopt decisions according to the appetites and (especially the) interests of the German government?
  5. It is true that the two million Deutsche Marks received from your predecessor Helmut Kohl stem from the same funds?
  6. Is it true Mrs. Merkel, that formal allegations were made about the same subject in April 2009 at the European anti-corruption agency (OLAF) but were buried by the former director of the German service (who was at the behest of your government)?
  7. It is true that when an indictment was filed with a Prosecutor in Berlin for the very same issue, but was also buried (from public scrutiny) by your government?
  8. Is it true Mr.s Merkel that as president of the Christian Democratic party, just like your predecessors Mr. Kohl and Mr. Schäuble, never complied with German laws on the financing of political parties in Germany? Did you brief Parliamentary officers about the 18 million Deutsche Marks that were transferred with bags to a notary in Munich by two industries, so that they could be allocated to your party's election via a specific advertising firm?
  9. Is it true Mrs. Merkel, that in February 2006 you pressured the former prime minister of Greece (Costa Karamanlis) through blackmail to bury the wire-tapping scandal?
  10. Is it true Mrs Merkel that in October 2002 the German secret service came into contact with specific Greek citizens that lived in Dresden -acting as tourists- but who in all actuality were members of the 17N terrorist organization (responsible for the funding of the organization), as well as top members of the Greek crime world? Did you allow them to absorb 5.7 million Euros and then shelter them in the city of Sousse in Tunisia until the case was forgotten? These very same people are now working in Greece for the German services, why did you not give any information to Greece's anti-terrorist unit about this?
  11. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that a German official forced a leader of a Leftist party to step down in 2007 with the threat that if he did not do so then details of his personal life would be exposed, and this official was not able to become a candidate for the leadership of this particular party again?
  12. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that this year three political parties were channeled funds of some 16.4 million euros through secret funds?
  13. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that the military is protecting German citizens that are acting on behalf of your government in Greece? Has the office in the fourth (GNTA) of the German army headquarters in Camp Falkenstain, in the city of Koblenz, assumed the operational planning of a "NATO" intervention and the policing in Greece?
  14. Is it true Mrs. Merkel, that your government funded and supported the actions of the Skopje government (FYROM) at The Hague (on the case against Greece)?
  15. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that in a recent discussion, with officials from two separate countries, you predicted that in the near future some areas of Western Thrace and a belt around Florina will become independent, to provide protection to the minorities living there?
  16. Is it true Mrs. Merkel, that members of the Greek government asked for your protection, because they feared future persecution by the Greek justice system?
  17. Is it true Mrs. Merkel that German companies operating in Greece pay kickbacks to third parties by overpricing their products? Is this why the ALDI company left Greece? Are these kickbacks used to buy out Greek politicians and journalists?
  18. Finally is it true Mrs. Merkel that a minister from your government gathered all the importers and exporters of the Greek wind turbine market in Berlin in the spring of 2010 and set up a cartel and at the same time began handing out regions to them in Greece? "...
We shall wait and see if more will continue... and with what method.

Story in Greek can be found on,,,, etc.

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