
January 11, 2012


Kammenos Strikes Again, Accuses Papandreou And Family Of Making Soros Richer!

Independent MP Panos Kammenos who has formally stated in Parliament that the brother of former prime minister and leader of the PASOK party George Papandreou, Andreas Papandreou is involved in a company that deals with CDS bonds, took an even broader step today by posting yet another accusation against the Papandreou family on his facebook wall.

More exactly, Kammenos revealed that the Dexia bank and George Soros, "rolled in the money" when Papandreou announced back in the late autumn that he would hold a national referendum.

He also said that the Unigestion company which pays Andreas Papandreou, that also coincidentally  manages Dexia bank as well as billions of euros in foreign currency.

Kammenos said that as soon as Papandreou announced the referendum, automatically it made George Soros  almost 600 billion euros richer.

We only have one thing to say here at hellasfrappe after the multitude of stories we have written on this subject: When is the Greek justice system going to finally intervene?

And then they want to preach to us about being upstanding citizens...

Oh brother.

(The bottom video is from Kammenos' speech in Parliament back in November when he openly accuses George Papandreou and his family of fraud... The things that were said... oh my!)

Turkey Penalised in Greek-Cypriot Human Rights Case

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has awarded heavy damages to Constantinos G. Lordos and others in their claim that their human rights were violated because of the loss of use of their property after the Turkish invasion in 1974 and the continuing occupation of north Cyprus.

Under the ECHR ruling Turkey must pay damages of between 100,000 to 8 million euros to each of the 13 Greek Cypriot applicants for moral and material damages, while the same decision forced Turkey to pay 15,000 Euros for legal costs.

The case concerned the allegation by 13 applicants that the Turkish occupation of the northern part of Cyprus had deprived them of their homes and properties. They relied in particular on Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) and Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life).

The court issued a rule in favour of the applicants on November 2nd 2010 saying that Turkey had violated Article 1 for eight of the applicants; and had violated Article 8 for seven of the applicants but failed to award any damages then because “the parties had failed to provide reliable and objective data pertaining to the prices of land and real estate in Cyprus at the date of the Turkish intervention.”

The Court had dismissed by six votes to one Turkey’s preliminary objections that the applicants had not exhausted domestic remedies and that they had “lack of victim status”.

Constantinos Lordos was seeking 34.4 million Euros in damages for 69 properties he owns in north Cyprus. His claims reflected an amount for loss of use plus annual interest.

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SPECIAL REPORT - Russia's Admiral Kuznetsov "Solves" The Issue Of Greece's EEZ (VIDEO)

photo by defencenet
Russia has taken a clear and unequivocal position in favor of Greece's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is presently moving just above the point where Egypt denies that there is a Greek EEZ with Cyprus. This is exactly at the outermost boundaries of the Athens FIR between Mesgisti (Kastelorizo) and the island of Karpathos, southeast of Sitia in Crete.

In a statement to defencenet a leading Russian defense ministry official in Moscow noted that "Greece has certain rights in the region and islands that constitute these rights," meaning of course Mesgisti

At the moment, the Russian fleet is spread across the eastern Mediterranean, from the Greek-Egyptian  FIR boundary all the way to the coast of Lebanon, while the Admiral Kuznetsov is alone, in the coordinates we described with an accompanying submarine for security purposes.

Of course there is another reason why the Russian aircraft carrier chose to lower its anchor in this specific area since it sits on the so-called "Valley of Herodotus', characterized as the largest deposits of hydrocarbons in world oil reserves and natural gas. In fact the deposit is said to be so immense that it can only be compared with similar deposits found in the North Sea -discovered in the early 70s!-

Russia, just like Israel, requested to proceed with blind drilling on very favorable terms for Greece but received a negative response by the Greek government.

This move by Russia's Admiral Kuznetsov (even though it is taking part in military exercisers in the wider region) which set out alone last night from the coast of Syria, to the coast of Cyprus only to arrive at this particular point (or the limits set by Kastelorizo ​​and adjacent to the Greek EEZ) is definitely a projection of power and should not be taken by lightly...

Papademos: 2012 Will Be A Difficult Year

Interim Prime Minister Lucas Papademos said that 2012 will be a difficult year, as was 2011, but appeared optimistic that if everyone worked together systematically and decisively then Greece can create conditions for an exit from the crisis. According to the state news agency Greece can, with these preconditions, expect growth at the end of the year, with an increase in employment and the creation of opportunities for all. However, the coming weeks will be very crucial since three fundamental targets must be achieved.
  • The country must fulfill all the commitments it has undertaken on the basis of the existing (bailout) programme.
  • The new programme must be shaped in a reliable way in order for fiscal restructuring and the recovery of the economy to be achieved.
  • The PSI bond swap programme must be completed in accordance with the basic characteristics, as they have been determined with the decisions of the October 26 EU summit.
If these targets are achieved, both the European partners and the IMF will continue to finance the country unimpededly for the next three years. (ΑΜΝΑ)
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