
December 30, 2012

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Turkish Islamists Now Against ... Santa Claus!

English: Santa Claus with a little girl Espera...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

After Barbie and Mickey Mouse ... they are now after the idea of Santa Claus.

The streets of Constantinople recently flooded with members of the radical Islamist "Youth Association of the East" organization and believe it or not they protested against none other than Santa Claus, because in their opinion his bag of gifts is not as it appears but rather contains sinful items that are not acceptable to the Muslim faith. People all over Europe and the Americas usually perceive Santa Claus, or St.Nick, or even Agios Vassilis, as a figure of generosity, but this group of radicals argues that this legendary holiday figure is dangerous and that those of Muslim faith should totally ignore him. In their manifesto the protesters argue that Santa's bag does not contain gifts but is rather full of narcotics, alcohol and propaganda, which is inconsistent with Muslim beliefs. Moreover, they also called on all Muslims to even ignore celebrating New Year's eve.

Editor - First it was Barbie.. then Mickey Mouse, now Santa... who is next? The tooth fairy? By all means.. all comments are welcome
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