
December 11, 2012

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Negative Reactions Over Proposal To Allow Shops To Stay Open On Sundays

The government is intent on holding a dialogue with all the interested sides, but at the same time it is not going to allow those who fear the new, to intentionally keep Greece in the past, Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks minister Costis Hatzidakis said on Tuesday. Hatzidakis was referring to the negative reactions from various union heads from the business community over the ministry's intention to allow shops to open on Sundays.

According to the ministry proposal, shops with an area of up to 250 square meters, except those belonging to chains, will have the option of opening on all Sundays in the year, while large stores (over 250 sq.m.) will be able to work up to seven Sundays a year, again optionally.

"We aspire to making the market more contemporary, more European, more consumer-friendly. A big change is being made based on the European experience. We are giving the ability to large enterprises to work more, and to the smaller businesses to work even more. We are giving the consumers -- Greeks and tourists -- the ability to freely make their purchases," Hatzidakis told the 12th International Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum taking place in Athens.

Hatzidakis also announced that the disbursement of loans to small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) with funding from the European Investment Bank (EIB) are beginning immediately, adding that agreements between the EIB have already been signed while more are due to be signed within the week.

Together with the unblocking of the EIB funds, the measures for boosting liquidity also include the simplification of the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) procedures, the unblocking of the National Fund for Business and Development (ETEAN) capital, implementation of the actions to boost exports, and the new development law which will be tabled soon in parliament, he continued.

Hatzidakis further said that the procedures for setting up three venture capital funds were completed about three weeks ago, while completion of a fourth, in the context of the EU's JEREMIE initiative is expected. Through these venture capital funds, financing will be provided to businesses in the fields of information technology and communication from the NSRF funds, despite the negative economic situation, he added, noting that more than 20 private investors are participating in the above funds with capital that was expected to reach 21 million euro. (AMNA)
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