
December 5, 2012

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Greek Prime Minister Presents 4 Goals of New Tax System (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Tuesday evening presented his government's goals regarding a draft legislation overhauling the current tax system. These goals are lower tax rates, a more simple taxation system, broad use of new technologies and cracking down tax evasion. Addressing an annual conference of the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, the prime minister dismissed reports and scenarios of a 45 per cent taxation on incomes exceeding 26,000 euros. " "This is against my principles, I stand by the middle class," Samaras underlined. He said that the new taxation system would be relieving to earners of up to 25,000 euros, while the government intents to introduce a special benefit for families even with one child, but based on strict income criteria so as to support only those in real need. Lower tax rates would have to be achieved gradually, the premier said. (AMNA)
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