Tripolis security police on Tuesday announced the arrest of two Pakistani men, aged 20 and 30 years old, respectively, who are believed to be part of a gang responsible for 42 thefts and attempted thefts of power line transformers from electricity pylons in the Tripolis area. The total damage to the Public Power Corporation (PPC - or DEH) as a result of their activities is believed to exceed 250,000 Euros. The two suspects under arrest were charged with forming a criminal organisation, grand larceny and causing aggravated damage. A report from the state news agency quoted a police investigation as saying that the two and an unknown number of accomplices had carried out 39 thefts of PPC transformers and three attempted thefts of PPC transformers in and around the prefecture. Police also found and confiscated a number of tools used in the thefts, two mobile phones and a private car used to transport the loot. The two were led before a first-instance court prosecutor and referred to a Tripolis examining magistrate, while police are continuing to look for the remaining members of the gang. (AMNA)
November 22, 2012
Two Arrested For Multiple Thefts Of Power-Line Transformers in Tripolis
Tripolis security police on Tuesday announced the arrest of two Pakistani men, aged 20 and 30 years old, respectively, who are believed to be part of a gang responsible for 42 thefts and attempted thefts of power line transformers from electricity pylons in the Tripolis area. The total damage to the Public Power Corporation (PPC - or DEH) as a result of their activities is believed to exceed 250,000 Euros. The two suspects under arrest were charged with forming a criminal organisation, grand larceny and causing aggravated damage. A report from the state news agency quoted a police investigation as saying that the two and an unknown number of accomplices had carried out 39 thefts of PPC transformers and three attempted thefts of PPC transformers in and around the prefecture. Police also found and confiscated a number of tools used in the thefts, two mobile phones and a private car used to transport the loot. The two were led before a first-instance court prosecutor and referred to a Tripolis examining magistrate, while police are continuing to look for the remaining members of the gang. (AMNA)