


November 22, 2012

EUREKA - FYROManians Call For Action Against "Antiquization" Statues In Their State

Two Intellectuals from FYROM's SDSM are Proposing Demolition of the "Antiquization" Statues. Former minister of culture and SDSM member, Duner Ismail, joined previous call made by law professor and  former minister Ljubomir Frckovski a couple of months ago to demolish statues erected by the latest government. Unlike Frckovski, who advised a "here and now" hit-and-run attack by citizens with heavy tools upon the monuments, Ismail stated that a total, state-organized demolition of the sculptures will be done under future SDSM government. The opposition party holds both Ismail and Frckovski in high esteem as part of the inner circle of outspoken intellectuals. This statement was named "Talibanism" by a "spontaneous" small group of citizens who also stated that Ismail wants to demolish the statues of VMRO heroes. macedoniahellenicland