


November 9, 2012

GOOD NEWS - Exploration of Hydrocarbons Due To Begin - Norwegians Ready To Hit Ionian Islands and Crete!

Just three years after former Prime Minister George Papandreou's famous lie that oil and natural gas "doesn't exist in Greece", or in December 2009, (check video below), and after watching him give the "keys" of Greece -or handing it over- to foreign interests, the exploration for petroleum deposits is finally set to begin in the Ionian Sea. The area is already suspected of having at least 350,000,000 barrels of petroleum, with a minimum amount of 250,000,000 barrels and a maximum amount that can even surpass 1 billion barrels. But the good news does not stop there, once the surveys are completed in Western Greece, its on to exploration in the coastal areas of Crete for natural gas and the quantities here, as we all know are VAST.

In such a framework, a Norwegian research vessel owned by the PGS company will arrive in Patras next Sunday in order to begin seismic surveys. At first it will concentrate its research in the Ionian Sea and then head for the southern part of Crete. The PGS company won the rights for exploration in these areas following a State tender that began in September of 2011 and ended a short while ago. It is now going to search an area of more than 225,000 square kilometers, which is double to the land area of Greece.

The surveys, which are set to wrap up by April 2013, will really only reaffirm the data which geologists have already known for a long time. In fact all the companies that participated in the tender knew from the very start and via (past) pirated surveys about the potential wealth in this part of Greece, and especially what quantities are at stake. Hence the Norwegians will concentrate their focus in already pre-identified areas.

After their surveys are completed, they will process the data and then begin to tender contracts, or exploration plots, to large oil companies. It is estimated that by this time next year, and if these moves are not once again blocked by shady interests, Greece will be holding a second tender. Once this is done, and only several months later, or at the beginning of 2014, we might even begin seeing the first fruits of this venture.

Just a bit of trivia for you all... the dates mentioned above are the same ones that coincide with those given by the Troika. According to their estimations this is when they claim that the recession in Greece will end.

Hmm... Coincidence? (Think hard folks!)

Professor of Emeritus Antonis Foskolos, who is from the Department of Mineral Resources and Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, an energy adviser to the Canadian government and the only Greek to ever participate in explorations near the North Pole, told CRETE TV over a year ago that the information about Greece's natural reserves has been common knowledge amongst  the Norwegians, the French and especially the Americans, who he said have been investigating the Cretan and the Libyan seas without the Greek people's knowledge for years! (Read and watch interview featured here on hellasfrappe over a year ago by clicking here)

On March 13, 2012 we featured a report here on HellasFrappe titled SPECIAL REPORT - Papandreou Spoke With Erdogan About Dividing The Aegean. In this report we added a bit of information from an article that appeared in Epikaira magazine and from on we added some info from Aristotle Vassilakis, which clearly said that the "Greek crisis" was “fixed” because the overall stakes from the start were the oil and gas in the Aegean. In fact he said that from the (secret) surveys (which Foskolos also talks about) that were conducted in the area under Imia to Kastelorizo and above Crete, or the amount of natural gas in in these waters is estimated to be NINE TRILLION DOLLARS.

Yes you heard correctly 9 TRILLION DOLLARS.

That is why there are many suitors and why everyone wants a piece of the action.

Getting back to the good news though, it should be noted that the seismic surveys do not financially burden the State, since the company that obtains this information will then reap in large profits from the sale of this data to all the interested oil companies.

The deposits in the Ionian Sea are already more or less a done deal and predictable, but the interest is really concentrated around the southern part of the island of Crete. The deposits of natural gas in this part of Greece have indeed been identified, but when the data confirms what geologists already know, then they can literally close a bad chapter in Greek history and set a course for our economy that can only be looked at as being more than optimistic. We just hope that the forces that involve themselves in these ventures finally adopt a more nationalistic perception on things and first defend Greek interests, rather than the "I submit all" attitude. (Article in Greek defencenet)

It is important to note, that the surveys do not include the eastern part of Crete, where the largest deposits are said to be found. The natural gas and oil, which Professor Foskolos says numbers in the trillions under Crete, has actually been common knowledge amongst the English, the Italians, the Norwegians, the Americans, the French and the Germans FOR YEARS.

We are excited about the developments but at the same time suspicious because we still do not know what type of secret diplomacy George Papandreou conducted in the Aegean. Unfortunately for Greece the Trans-Atlantic Protector requires (or rather has ordered) that we open the doors to Turkey so that it too can benefit from this treasure in the depths of OUR SEAS, and of course all this because people lost their faith in Costas Karamanlis and turned to George Papandreou who signed away our sovereignty and handed the keys of the country to all these interests.

In the third article posted above or - SPECIAL REPORT - Papandreou Spoke With Erdogan About Dividing The Aegean-, Vassilakis left it to be understood that all pending issues (FYROM, Turkey, debt, etc...) will also suddenly get resolved once we succumb to the orders of the Oligarchs.

He even revealed that the formula for the pooling was already agreed. According to him, some 20% of revenues are to be given to Greece, a further 20% to Turkey and 60% will be directed to a US consortium, which together with Greek ship-owners, will exploit the oil.

Get it through your head folks, Ankara and Washington can disagree on Iraq, Iran, Israel, or even on business in Central Asia, but they are in full agreement on the issue of the Aegean. Washington, according to him, has proposed that the Aegean be split in three, while Ankara has already shown us which part it wants with its bullying and yes... this is where Mr. Papandreou announced our submission to the Oligarchs.

Conclusion: This explains why the Europeans wanted Greece to join the Eurozone. They knew that the Simitis government was corrupt because they sold them the defence systems, they helped them to organize the Olympic Games (very expensive games), and thus gave them the kickbacks which made these once humble politicians into multi-millionaires (example Tsochatzopoulos). Our opinion here at HellasFrappe is that by wrapping Greek corrupt politicians around their little fingers, or basically the PASOK government, the oligarchy protected its interests in Greece, and in return kept the PASOK party in power. This is also probably why our entrance to the Memorandum was announced from the island of Kastelorizo since the area under the island is said to be one of the largest finds of natural gas this century (specifically from Imia to Kastelorizo and to the upper area of eastern Crete). Go through the information for yourselves, It will make perfect sense to you once you piece the pieces of this puzzle together. This of course changed when Costas Karamanlis came into power... because he turned to Russia, so that Greece can reap in better rewards for our country, and he rocked the boat with all the forces that care very little for our country and its people, but only rather want to get their hands on our natural reserves.

Now you understand dear friends why the oligarchs have been pounding on Greece? They wanted us to return to the drachma, because it is cheaper to buy oil and natural gas in drachmas and sell it in dollars and euros than to buy it in euros or dollars and sell it in these hard currencies. Because quite simply they not only wanted to control the reserves, which will allow them to continue adjusting the prices of oil and natural gas globally, they also wanted to do it at the best possible cost.

Editor's Note - That is why we saw catastrophes in the Peloponnese, or pressure with the issue of FYROM (a joint US, and German blackmail), why we witnessed a wire-tapping scandal against him, or even a so-called bond scandal (with financial products that they sold to us), but Karamanlis would not submit to their demands and this is because he had the support of the people. In fact he did not even submit when they even attempted to assassinate him, but he decided to step down after he lost the support of the people because he feared that Greece would be thrown into complete chaos, much like the Arab Spring in Egypt. We need to remain in a hard currency to sell our natural reserves, because it is in our interests, but we also need patriots to steer the boat of this country and certainly all those that defected from PASOK and went to SYRIZA are not the ones that can do that. The past is the past, and we are willing to erase everything from our memories but the oligarchs have to allow us to finally live in dignity. We are not their protectorate, and never will be, and they better get this through their thick skulls.