A young student, who was giving her address in the Greek Parliament's Youth Session, -held every summer- literally slammed the Greek State by revealing its incompetence on the issue of illegal immigration. As soon as she began talking about Greeks being accused of xenophobia and racism, and she mentioned the word "illegal" our parliamentarians interrupted her, so as to sidetrack her from debating her argument. Obviously they were very annoyed with the truths that were spilling from her mouth about the subject of racism and where it really stems from. We do not have any information about the subject for debate while the video was being filmed, all that we know is that our "democratic fathers" rushed to hush her up. The only thing that is encouraging about this video, is that it shows us that our youths are beginning to wake up. Thank God the era of apathy is slowly fading away. Note - We bet she will make an exceptional politician someday!
September 11, 2012
Student Talks About Xenophobia & Racism And Suddenly Gets Cut Off !! (VIDEO REPORT)
A young student, who was giving her address in the Greek Parliament's Youth Session, -held every summer- literally slammed the Greek State by revealing its incompetence on the issue of illegal immigration. As soon as she began talking about Greeks being accused of xenophobia and racism, and she mentioned the word "illegal" our parliamentarians interrupted her, so as to sidetrack her from debating her argument. Obviously they were very annoyed with the truths that were spilling from her mouth about the subject of racism and where it really stems from. We do not have any information about the subject for debate while the video was being filmed, all that we know is that our "democratic fathers" rushed to hush her up. The only thing that is encouraging about this video, is that it shows us that our youths are beginning to wake up. Thank God the era of apathy is slowly fading away. Note - We bet she will make an exceptional politician someday!