


September 11, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - Papandreou: Farewell To Greece - Hello US And Harvard!

There is good news today as well as bad news. Indeed, the word is out that George Papandreou is packing up and saying farewell to Greece. He is apparently taking the family back to the US, and to the land of mama Margarita Papandreou. Yes moving day is fast approaching for good old George, time to go back to "the land of the free" which gave him life and raised him to be the man he is today! Some may say the sooner the better, but we here at HellasFrappe disagree. This man should not be allowed to leave the country until the case against him is thoroughly investigated. Now that a parliamentary probe is opening up on why Greece entered the IMF, Papandreou is feeling the noose tightening around his neck and he is trying to make his escape and from what some blogs are saying, officials are even fearing for his safety now, as well as that of his family.This probably explains why he has made very few public appearances over the last few months because anywhere George goes, people simply want to lynch  him for everything he has done against this country!

The obvious conclusion from the first paragraph alone would be that George is GUILTY and that he is now trying to make his escape. No.. no.. not of the Argentinian sort, this will not make headlines on CNN or the BBC, and we will not see images of a politician escaping the wrath of the people via helicopter, George is beyond that... he instead decided to visit the US get a job in Harvard!

Yes you read correctly, Harvard!

Following his run as prime minister of Greece and in only 18 months of governing this country George was successful in dragging this country underground or setting back its economy 50 years! It is achievements such as this that got him a permanent job at one of the world's top universities.

(Reader - How? When? Where? Why?)

Well after he was reelected to the position of president of the "Socialist International" the former prime minister joined the Harvard Kennedy School and as of Monday, September 10, his Bio went live on the institution's official site. George (who we all know is just a social worker) was hired to actually teach students at the US's most prized University and he has now obtained the title of Harvard Professor and become a permanent member of the faculty.

(Reader - Do they know that he is just a social worker?)
(Editor - Indeed... But the Americans always look out for their own.)

The question is what will this "intellectual" (clearing throat) be teaching young minds at Harvard?
  • Tactics on how to destroy a nation?
  • Methods on how to be a successful and active agent for foreign interests in another country?
  • How to give away a nation's sovereignty and baptize this move as "reform"?
  • How to increase the rate of suicides by 1000% in just 18 months of government?
  • How to jump off a balcony in order to escape your debts to the State?
  • Or how to become a billionaire by destroying a whole nation of people?
What exactly will George teach students at Harvard Kennedy School?

If you are as curious as we are the you can always forward your inquiries (or letters) to his new office which is located at Littauer-175 at the University grounds, or simply email the old chap at with all your questions.

The trouble is... if he is convicted of everything he is being accused of here in Greece will the Greek State let him go?

Our answer is if they do... then they will be charged of covering up his crimes against 11 million people and being accomplices to severe criminal activity.

If they don't then will George continue to have all the privileges that he has today? (This includes tens of security guards and personnel who guard him and his family 24/7)

Well he won't.

Following the Ministry of Public Order's decsion to withdraw the police who were guarding MPs of the Golden Dawn party for being present in the destruction of several vending stalls that were operating illegally (without permits) at a local marketplace north of Athens at the weekend, the Ministry is now looking into relieving the tens of police guards presently protecting other politicians so that it does not appear that they are discriminating against Golden Dawn. Obviously this new measure will especially be applied to parlimentarians who have been signaled out by the court system for various offences, or who are currently being investigated for having violated the law.

So this measure will immediately affect George Papandreou and his former Finance Minister George Papakostantinou, since the investigation against them is finished and now in the hands of the Supreme Court - which is a formal step before going to Parliament to be probed.- Keep in mind that the noise in the Greek media about the Golden Dawn party and their bully tactics every night is not by chance, the media wants us to concentrate on other things (even though they are also severe) in an attempt to focus our attention elsewhere and not on the fact that Papandreou and Papakostantinou are  currently being charged with very, very SERIOUS offenses. (Selling an entire nation and eventually forcing it to give up its sovereignty.)

As soon as the investigation enters the Parliament building, Papandreou's security guards will be immediately relieved from their duties since the police cannot protect someone who is charged of committing serious offences so as to prevent them from facing a conflict of duty. (This measure is going to apply to other cases, or to other officials who have committed serious criminal acts as well.)

And we get back to the question of the day. How long will George Papandreou and his sidekick Papakonsntantinou remain in Greece once they are deprived of their police guards and the only thing standing between them and the wrath of the people?

Tick... Tock, Tick, Tock...

Political analysts say that given the circumstances, and the information that has already been presented about their handling of the Greek crisis, combined with the overall climate in Greece which is witnessing an astronomical rise in unemployment these two fellows will find it very difficult, if not frightfully uncomfortable, to remain in the country for much longer.

So the question remains... Do we let them leave, or force them to stay?

You decide.

Editor's Note - Only the guilty run George....  Real men stay and face the enchilada.

Articles related to this story, and that will help you to understand the whole case against Papandreou and Papakostantinou better include: