


July 29, 2012

Slap Me Silly With A Toothpick - The English Refer To FYROM As "Macedonia"

Come on folks, what did you expect? Did you actually believe that the government of David Cameron would call FYROM... FYROM? Even the US State Department refers to FYROM as "Macedonia" and let's not forget that when Cameron was in the opposition he had said that Greece should be called the "former Ottoman possession," (this of course was several years ago so we will try and forgive him for that... or should we?).

Specifically the Guardian had featured an article with his statements while on a visit to FYROM one year before the Olympic Games in Greece. Here is a small excerpt and a link to the article. (Click here to link to the Guardian article)
Yet as far as I could see, the country - and I am determined to call it Macedonia - has a perfect right to exist. The population is overwhelmingly Macedonian, with a distinctive language, culture and history. It is poorer than some of the other old Yugoslav republics, but considerably richer than Albania. The people are civilised, friendly and highly educated. Even my tour guide had an MBA.
It is always difficult to know how to answer the question: "What will you do to help us?" But on this occasion, I had the answer. From now on I will call our esteemed EU partner "the former Ottoman possession of Greece (Fopog)." 
And in the end of the article he once again writes
So please, forgive me my brief junket. After all it could be my last. Next year, the Olympics will be held in the Former Ottoman Possession of Greece. Somehow I don't think I'll be getting the call up.
Indeed our supposed British "allies" who are presently hosting the 2012 Olympic Games in London refer to FYROM as "Macedonia" in complete disrespect to United Nations law and the interim agreement between Greece and FYROM of 1996. What's more the official 2012 London Games website refers to FYROM as "Macedonia".

Look at the picture at the top of the article, in the category containing a listing of the participating countries FYROM is mentioned with the initials "MKD", ie Macedonia rather than its UN name FYROM, ie former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

If you click on the flag then you can navigate the relevant country's page. On that page, the official name of the country says "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", but if you read the information carefully in the country's profile, it once again drops the UN name and is once again referred to as "Macedonia". (photo 2)

Editor's Note - Way to go old chaps! How cheery that we can always rely on your "Nobel" feelings for Greece, they are just so damned obvious!