


July 30, 2012

INCREDIBLE AUDACITY - Pakistanis Take Down Greek Flag & Replace It With Their Own

A shocking article appeared on defencenet this morning, which was also featured on claiming that Pakistani nationals took down the Greek flag from the historical main gate at the fortress in Ioannina and replaced it with the flag of Pakistan! Municipal officials of Ioannina hoisted the Greek national flag at the main gate a few days ago after receiving complaints from residents in the city in doing so. Witnesses said that they saw three Pakistani nationals taking down the Greek flag and hoisting the Pakistani flag instead. Luckily the flag did not hang there for long, because the site angered citizens so much that they immediately began to protest and police officials were also called to the scene. When this happened the Pakistani nationals quickly took down the flag and escaped from the eastern part of the castle to a nearby building which houses several other nationals (as reported by witnesses).

Editor's Note - Solomos Solomou died on August 14th, 1996 after being shot five times by Turkish forces (grey wolves) while trying to climb a flagpole in order to remove the Turkish flag from its mast in the United Nations Buffer Zone in Deryneia, Cyprus (or the INVADED part of Cyprus). Taking down the national flag of a country to replace it with your own on foreign land is a serious provocation and INCREDIBLE AUDACITY on the part of these people who illegally came into our country. Who the hell do these people think they are? Is this Banania-Land to Them? And why hasn't our government addressed this? Is it because PASOK and DHMAR rely on these votes in order to get into Parliament? And how can the New Democracy party live with itself knowing that this happened? What do the humanitarian groups have to say about this latest little bit of news? What are equal rights organizations going to say now? Are they going to insist that Greeks are racists again for even daring to complain? Shame on all of you for using these people to destabilise our country... We know who you are, and you will not win... the more you strike at our country, the more united we become.