


May 9, 2012

VIDEO REPORT - Instability Forces Greece To Head For Second Elections

Greeks went to the polls last Sunday to punish the leaders who run the country in "austerity" mode and they did. Both socialist the PASOK and New democracy parties failed to get enough votes. The conservative New Democracy might have emerged as the biggest party and winner but leader Antonis Samaras couldn't put together a coalition government on Monday so now it is the turn of the coalition of Left SYRIZA which was the second political force. Its leader Alexis Tsipras received the mandate to form a government on Tuesday and he began meeting with various political leaders in order to do so.

Meanwhile, Germany warned that the austerity plan is not up for negotiation, something that SYRIZA wants to do and Brussels has been urging Greece to stick to the promises made. "The Commission hopes and expects that the future government of Greece will respect the engagements that Greece has entered into", EC's spokesperson said.

Experts believe that this unprecedented fragmentation could lead to weeks of instability and force Greece to hold new elections as early as June.

Around that time, Greece faces a deadline for additional public spending cuts, as a condition to receiving more funds from the EU and IMF.