


May 8, 2012

CONSPIRACY - Is The “End Of The World” Near ?


A new report on Tuesday states that the United States top National Security Advisor to President Obama, Thomas Donilon, was granted a “rushed meeting” with President Putin last Friday wherein he warned the Russian leader that the world as we know it may be about to end. According to the report, the Obama regime became alarmed after Russia’s top military official, Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov, threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike if Washington goes ahead with its plan to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, after which Donilon was dispatched to Moscow by a frightened Obama.

From the very outset of this meeting, this report says, a “highly agitated” Donilon proceeded to denounce Russia’s threats and “non-cooperation” with the US over a number of international issues, including Syria, warning that Moscow’s actions could very well lead to Obama losing his upcoming election and putting into office Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney who during a recent CNN interview stated that:  “Russia, this is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.”

In responding to Donilon, this report continues, Putin stated that it didn’t matter to Russia who the US president was as the record clearly shows that Obama has done nothing since being in office other than continue Bush’s agenda of strict totalitarian domestic rule meant to aid America’s global hegemony.  Putin further added Russia’s “extreme displeasure” that Obama has continued to protect the Wall Street “gangsters” who collapsed the global economy in 2008.

As this meeting neared its end, this report states, Donilon became “decidedly dejected” and voiced his concern to Putin that everything they were talking about may, in fact, be pointless and cryptically stated, “what’s the difference in any of this anyway; Nostradamus is the one in charge, none of us may even have a world to live in before this year’s out.”

This report ends by stating that Putin was “stunned” by Donilon’s strange remark after which the meeting ended with no further comments or appendages by the Kremlin or other Russian ministries, or officials.

To why a high-ranking Obama national security official like Donilon would make such a cryptic remark referring to the 16th century prophet Michel de Nostredame [1503-1566] (Latinised to Nostradamus) is an apparent reference to two of the French seers Quatrains which seemingly warn that our world could be facing massive upheaval this month. These two Quatrains listed in “The Prophecies, by M. Michel Nostradamus” published in 1566 are:

Quatrain X:67
A very mighty trembling in the month of May, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus: Venus also, Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Hail will fall larger than an egg.
-and- Quatrain IX:83
Sun twentieth of Taurus the earth will tremble very mightily, It will ruin the great theater filled: To darken and trouble air, sky and land, Then the infidel will call upon God and saints.
Equally interesting to note are that the Americans this past weekend, spurred on by their mainstream propaganda media, seemed to go into some kind of “Moon worship mode” to begin the month of “Nostradamus’s May” over a supposed “Supermoon” event, which in actuality did see the Moon reach its perigee for 2012 (the closest point it comes towards the Earth in its orbit), but only by a distance of less than 1,400 km from April’s Full Moon.

Most important to note, however, is that May, indeed, does have some very intriguing and historical astrological signs of note, including a currently ongoing rare alignment of the planets exactly matching those given in Nostradamus’s 1566 prediction, and an equally significant Solar Eclipse due to occur on 20 May that will cross the entire Ring of Fire zone from Asia to North America.

Most ominous to note about all of these events are their occurring immediately prior to the return from retrograde orbit of the planet Venus, which on 8 June 2004 crossed the surface of the Sun for the first time in 120 years, and on 6 June 2012 will do so again ending its 8 year journey that will not be seen again in any of our lifetimes, but which the ancient Mayans warned would signal the beginning of the end of our present age set to expire of 21 December of this year.

Curiously, and as if on some “cosmic cue” the Sun this week entered into this complex matrix when one of the largest sunspots ever recorded (AR1476 sprawls more than 100,000 km from end to end) began firing M-Class flares towards Earth, and matching an ominous warning given to the world last week by solar expert Mike Hapgood, a space weather scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England, that our world is nearer to a catastrophic solar event than anyone realizes.

Though many have warned that all of these “signs of sky” point towards a possible cataclysmic event occurring this month (14 May and 20 May are named as possible dates), or at the latest sometime in early June, the significance of how (or even why) the prophecies of Nostradamus were injected into a meeting between a top US official and Russia’s president does, indeed, cause one to take notice. 

Sorcha Faal