
March 20, 2012

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Is Greek Crisis Part of a Larger Plot?

Was Greece's uncontrolled public spending and corruption part of a larger plot to take down the world economy and allow insiders to buy everything cheap? From what it looks like it was! From allegations of illegal fuel trade, corruption in public health care, the Siemens scandal, to the U-boat scandal, anyway you cut it... the political system stinks!

Corruption in Greek politics and the public sector -- costing Greece billions of Euros each year -- has not been recognized as a major factor in this crisis. The daily media in Europe has mostly talked about Greek corruption in general terms, like "the whole country is corrupt, nothing happens there without bribes", but they haven't gone into proper detail. Why? Because the Greek crisis is an orchestrated event. The Greek case, when understood, blows the whole western political theater apart. It shows that the media and the political "top echelon" are offering people 'false reality' about the recent western economic crisis. The truth is that our corruption is being tolerated to deliberately sabotage the economy for Illuminati gain.   

Illegal fuel trade costing Greece estimated 2-3 billion euros a year. Fuels sold also to the state.

In May 2011, Greek MP with the conservative party of ND George Sourlas told a parliamentary committee that chemically adulterated maritime fuel is sold as diesel fuel to Greek armed forces (..who then supply fuel to at least some local police and fire departments). This sulfur rich adulterated maritime fuel is also sold as heating oil to peoples' homes and as diesel for cars at local gas stations. He estimated that just the tax evasion related to the case costs the Greek state 2-3 billion euros annually. Greek premier George Papandreou, Evangelos Venizelos (defense minister at the time) and the head of armed forces all advised to take it further. He then went to Greek Public Prosecutor and the head of the Supreme Court, who stonewalled him George Sourlas said he has been interviewed many times by the Greek media over the years about this matter, but that none of it ever aired. If what Sourlas says is true, it shows that the top echelon of Greek government is involved in this multi-billion euro crime. And what is backing Sourlas' testimony is that few years ago, EU funded countermeasures that have not been enforced.

Corruption and deliberate waste in Greek public healthcare

This costs Greece billions of euros every year. In 2010 Robert Dougall, a former exec from a Johnson & Johnson (J&J) owned company DePuy Int was found guilty of bribing Greek workers between the years 2002 -2005. [3] The UK court document gives an example how DePuy then charged the Greek state double the European average, (4 x the European low) for one their products. SEC documents show that J&J was already aware of these DePuy dealings in 1990's, but did not stop it. The UK court document states that DePuy/J&J wasn't the only company handing out bribes. (Other US companies have also been investigated, and one at least, Smith & Nephew has admitted bribing public workers in Europe.)

A Greek investigative TV-journalist reported how, at the time, the Greek state  paid 40 euros for a 7 euro dialysis machine filter. Finally,  the then health minister was able to lower the price to 25 euros, still over 3 times the filter's true value

Greek health insurance fund IKA was made to pay 2-3 times the prices that it's British, Italian and French counterparts paid for the same materials. Some doctors falsified documents to scam money from insurance funds. Some ran private clinics with supplies paid by the state, and so on..

Siemens scandal & parliamentary immunity

In  2011, Greek Parliamentary Investigation Committee (GPIC) concluded that the damages caused by Siemens AG's  "bribes for contracts"-type dealings amounted to at least to 2 billion euros. Siemens, of course, denied these allegations. The investigation seemed mainly to cover Siemens-dealings in Greece over the last two decades, but Siemens has had strong presence in Greece since the late 1940's. Siemens has also been a "subcontractor" in other well known corruption scandals (Athens metro-scandal, Greek U-boat scandal), but the company was not under any criminal investigation at the time. ..So, the Siemens scandal might still even grow.

Though Siemens denied the GPIC allegations, the company has admitted 1.3 billion euros worth of dubious payments (worldwide) between the years 1999-2006, and agreed to pay 1.6 billion dollar fines in 2008. Siemens has been under investigation in many countries.The "punch line" of this case might be coming soon. Instead the 2 billion euros Greece was seeking at first, it has been reported (by AFP and others) that Siemens might be able to settle the case with a petty 250 million euros, or even less.

(Part 1: The Siemens Bribery Scandal - Introduction

Greek U-boat scandal and more to look into

The Greek U-boat scandal, a.k.a. the "Ferrostaal scandal" is very revealing. The bribes allegedly reached over 200 million euros, according to documents seen by the Greek news paper Kathimerini, and that the former Greek premier's brother , Nikos Papandreou helped as a "consultant"  in the dealings. But the interesting part is the fraud involved in the "offset deals" tied to the submarine contracts. These offset deals apparently are the usual way of hiding the true costs of the actual deal itself, in this case U-boats, and so are used to conceal the possible illegal dealings. [9]Financial crimes unit (SDOE) findings on Submarine Contracts -

Similarly huge fraud may be found when you start to look into Greek public construction contracts and arms procurement. There are also cases in which bonds/derivatives were sold in inflated prices to Greek institutions. The bank loans taken by Greek gov might also be worth to take a look at.

Corruption Part of a Large Plot? 

When the corruption in Greek politics has been so vast for so long, it makes you wonder:

  • Is the ridiculous Greek social benefit system, state owned companies with multi-billion debts (OTE and OSE) and the over blown public sector, part of a scam to plunge Greece into massive debt?
  • Was this actually a tool to eventually bankrupt the country and affect the whole Euro-zone and beyond?
  • When this global cabal (a.k.a illuminati)  wrecks the whole western economy, the debt ridden states will have start selling their tax payer owned assets to raise more revenue.
  • And then they, the "insiders", start to buy it all dirt cheap, like Warren "the Fukushima tsunami created a great business opportunity" Buffet just did. He just bought cheap European stocks for 1.4 billion euros.
  • In the spring of 2011, Greece announced that it will try to raise 50 billion euros through a privatization program .... first they wreck the economy, then they put everything of value on sale.
  • This is what "New World Order" is ..Most the world's (real) wealth will be under a new order.
  • Euro-zone crisis will take down Wall Street?
  • And what is more (yes ..there's even more to all this), some people have started to wonder what the euro-zone crisis will do to Wall Street, which is all ready under strain because of the earlier US housing bubble fraud, as we all know.
  • ..and if the western banking sector starts REALLY going down, what do you think will happen to home loans and the cost of everyday living?

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by Christian Soderberg

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