
February 26, 2012

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Experts Say EU Participation Is Responsible For Debt Crisis (VIDEO)

Quoting experts, a presstv report said that the crisis in Greece is a result of the country's participation in the European monetary union and the external borrowing of the country and that the 2010 memorandum agreement is one of the most inadequate economic plans ever drafted. The memorandum failed because it was implemented, not because it wasn't, as EU leaders say.

They also say the decision to begin reducing the labour costs of EU member states was taken in 1997, while European industrialists have been planning, since 2002, the close monitoring of all EU economies. They also argue that the crisis is used by capitalist forces to reverse labor law back to the 19th century and that labor flexibility is a neoliberal excuse, so as to reduce labor costs and implement too many measures in a small amount of time, damaging true growth.

It is paradoxical how the Greek government cut state spending by 400 million Euros within a few months while planning to liberalize pharmacies and taxi drivers.

Experts have also called for a logistical control committee to be set up in order to check the country's debt and the repayment methods, if these are ever maintained.

It is firmly predicted that Greece will exit the euro-currency in the next few weeks and go back to the drachma, even if the first few months will be strenuous and uncertain. But development can begin gradually, with imports from the EU stopped, Greek production will be eventually revived and the pressure will then be reversed back to the European banks. Then maybe Greece will stop needing to import lentils from Holland, meat from France and candles from Italy.

According to the speakers, independence from the European Union is a key prerequisite for the development of current and oncoming political forces that can see the country even begin to battle the recession effectively. Greek politicians had prophecized, as early as 1962, when Greece first pledged its allegiance to the then infantile European Union, that industrial production and labour relations would, in the future, be debased in Greece and across the European continent, as a result of the monetary union.

Source: PressTV
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