
September 7, 2011

EU on Turkish threats against Cyprus

The President of the European People`s Party (EPP), Wilfried Martens, has reacted strongly to statements by Turkish officials against EU member Cyprus regarding the start of oil and gas exploration by Cyprus. ``I am very surprised by the recent statements of Turkish officials against an EU member state, said Martens. Turkey, an EU candidate country must refrain from threats against an EU member state that also undermine EU`s energy security,`` underlined the EPP President.

Turkish threats over Cyprus plans to start oil and gas exploration in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) by the American contractor `Noble` have escalated over the past weeks.
The Eastern Mediterranean area is believed to have a massive amount of natural gas resources.

``Needless to say, Cyprus is a European pillar of stability in the eastern Mediterranean and, as such, will play a central role in bolstering EU`s energy security,`` a state news agency report quoted Martens as saying.

Cyprus has signed a production-sharing contract with Houston-based Noble Energy. The company has a concession to explore for hydrocarbons in an offshore field in its Exclusive Economic Zone, south-east of Cyprus, known as Block 12. 


Wikileaks: Greece decides 30 new F-16s are enough!

On December 13th, 2005 the Greek government signed a LOA for the delivery of 30 new block 52 F-16s with an option on 10 more under the Peace Xenia IV program. On March 15th, 2006 the Greek government announced that it turned down the option to buy 10 additional F-16 aircraft from Lockheed Martin. Wikileaks now reveals the background, as seen from the US embassy in Athens, regarding the decision not to exercise the option for 10 more aircraft. The then Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni (who was liked by the US) fought hard for the F-16 but was overruled by Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis.

C O N F I D E N T I A L ATHENS 000725
E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/17/2016
REF: 05 ATHENS 1945
Classified By: Ambassador Charles P. Ries for Reasons 1.4 (b/d)
1. (U) On March 15, the Greek Foreign Affairs and Defense
cabinet committee (“KYSEA”) decided not to exercise an option
to augment its July 2005 decision to acquire 30 F-16 Block 52
aircraft (reftel) by an additional 10 planes. Doing so would
have cost USD 536 million (i.e., USD 39.8 million per plane
for the additional ten), but would have reduced the per plane
cost for all 40 planes from USD 44.9 million to USD 43.6
million. In comments to the press immediately after the
announcement, new MOD Meimarakis said the decision was based
on “everything,” not just economics. Following up on
Meimarakis’s comments, government spokesman Roussopoulos told
reporters that Greece needed a total of 60 new aircraft to
maintain the balance of power in the region — the 30 F-16s
under the original LOA and an additional 30 (yet
unidentified) “fourth generation” fighters. The spokesman
referred several times to the need to look after the
interests of Greek taxpayers at a time of tight budgets.
Asked whether the next contract would go to Eurofighter,
Roussopoulos said KYSEA had not begun to consider the matter.
2. (C) Press reports and Lockheed Martin contacts have said
that newly-appointed FM Bakoyannis fought hard for the F-16,
but was overruled by PM Karamanlis. Former FM Molyviatis,
while admitting that he had not been involved in the
decision, told Ambassador March 15 that he believed it was
motivated primarily by a feeling that Greece had to “get in
touch with the European Union common defense.” Greece needed
to be prepared to buy European, even if doing so was more
expensive, he said. Working-level officials in the Hellenic
Air Force attributed the decision to economics. The EU
recently praised Greek efforts to bring its budget in line,
they said, but defense acquisition budgets were extremely
3. (U) Most local press linked the decision to the ongoing
controversy over allegations that the United States was
behind the wiretapping of senior government officials.
Pro-opposition “To Vima” noted the awkwardness the government
would have if it tried to make this case to the public, even
informally, however, noting that the Prime Minister was aware
of the bugging when his government signed the original LOA.
Several papers call the move a sign that the government will
turn to Europe for its next aircraft buy and will look to
purchase a “modern” plane instead of the “outdated” F-16.
4. (C) The fact that the government has decided against the
additional planes does not remove the need to amend the
original LOA. To reduce the per plane price of the first 30
F-16s, the government omitted key items — such as spares,
armaments, a reconnaissance system, and delivery — from the
original LOA. To avoid significant additional costs, Greece
needs to sign an amendment to the original LOA by early
summer, a deadline the government will need to scramble to
5. (C) Commercial and political pressure on Greece from
Eurofighter countries has been strong, a factor which weighed
heavily on this decision, as has the general Greek popular
desire to maintain a pro-European identity. That said, the
widely trumpeted allegations that the United States was
involved in the wiretapping of senior Greek officials created
an environment in which it would have been extremely
difficult to approve the additional F-16s. Ultimately, the
Prime Minister appears to have calculated that the economic
and military logic of increasing the Greek F-16 fleet at this
time were outweighed by the political risks of doing so. We
have by no means conceded the next fighter sale to the
Europeans, and are marshalling the strong economic, military,
and political arguments in favor of American competitors.

Spanoudakis says it like it is! (VIDEO REPORT)

In a radio interview to Antenna 972 radio (to the reporters P. Liakos - K. Giannoulopoulos and George Mitsikostas listen to the video below) Stamatis Spanoudakis, one of the greatest living composers in Greece right now, said that Greeks are victims of a betrayed woman, (Margaret Papandreou) who is taking revenge on the people of this country, through her son, for applauding a prime minister who exited an airplane with his girlfriend….

"Unfortunately I am from Greece I have too many rivals that belong to the media; almost everyone, with the exception of Antenna. So you will not easily see me featured in newspapers, on television. You will not see my concerts being promoted. It is not possible to ask for help from people who offend and discredit you. For years I have said that I will never play at the Megaro Concert Hall until I change direction (political choices). I do not want the bands of Mbobola, I do not want Kathimerini and Eleftherotypia, because these people are evil to us, how then is it possible to ask them to endorse me? ""
When asked to comment on (former premier Costas) Simitis, former Prime Minister (Costas) Karamanlis, former Archbishop of Greece Christodoulos, the Right (political direction) and the New Democracy Party, Spanoudakis said that this is the heart of everything.

“The horrible Semitic storm of 2000 (during the period when citizens across Greece lost their money in a bubble stock market crash), threatened many artists, shut down roads, etc., I did not know Karamanlis and I was not even part of the New Democracy party nor have I ever been part of any party, even until now. I met this man and I believed him with all of my soul – just as I believed (Archbishop) Christodoulos. I was content as a Greek citizen, even though I was highly criticised because I saw two men who loved this country. My duty as a citizen was to say what I knew to be true, but in Greece openly admitting that you support a conservative prime minister and a man of the Church is like saying ‘throw me down and beat me’. This did not bother me. I knew what I was going to be confronted with. I have been living in Greece since 1974. I was disappointed that my intentions were misunderstood (by my peers) who thought (that by openly admitting that I supported Karamanlis) I wanted to be appointed Minister of Culture, or that I wanted ‘positions’ or statuses. Notice that when New Democracy came to power I moved aside for yet another reason, because New Democracy supporters wanted to hold a balance with supporters of the left and I was too conservative for their liking. This is the reality, I knew what was going to happen from beforehand, but I do not care. I am not obligated to give an explanation to anyone, only to God. That is where I tell my truth and I am compelled to say what I believe.”

He then saved the best for last. The “revenge on the Greek people” by Margaret Papandreou through his son “because she was betrayed by Andreas”.

"The structural problem of Greece is that we have made a “p…ssy out of things.” Essentially, the Greek people are victims to a betrayed woman who through her son is avenging them for applauding a prime minister (her ex-husband Andreas) who exited an airplane with his girlfriend and was applauded by the people.

How true…. How true… How true!

Cyprus in middle of regional clash (VIDEO)

Turkey is freezing defence trade with Israel and stepping up naval patrols in the eastern Mediterranean, highlighting a potentially destabilising rift between the two major US allies in the Middle East and raising the spectre of further instability over Cyprus. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan’s threats to send warships into waters where Israel's navy operates raises the risk of a naval confrontation between the two powers. As tensions between the two regional powerhouses escalate, Cyprus could find itself in the middle of any confrontation. 

Turkey’s latest muscle-flexing over who rules the Mediterranean comes at a time when drilling for hydrocarbons is due to start in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Turkey has made its opposition to Israeli-Cypriot cooperation in oil and gas exploration extremely clear in recent days. "The eastern Mediterranean is not a strange place to us. Aksaz and Iskenderun - these places have the power and opportunity to provide escorts," Erdogan said in Ankara yesterday, referring to two Turkish naval bases. "Of course our ships will be seen much more frequently in those waters."

Israel has already expanded patrols in the eastern Mediterranean to enforce the Gaza blockade it says is needed to prevent arms smuggling to Hamas and deter any Lebanese Hezbollah militant attack on gas platforms. 

Turkish media reported that Erdogan held a meeting with Turkey's chief military commander, General Necdet Ozel, yesterday to discuss developments with Israel. According to Reuters Ankara, some Turkish and Israeli commentators have suggested Turkey might use the feud with Israel to build up naval patrols in seas between there and Cyprus. 

Turkey has bitterly complained about recent Cypriot-Israeli energy deals and the presence of Turkish ships would have a menacing effect. Houston-based Noble Energy is expected to start exploratory drilling this month in its Block 12 concession in Cyprus’ EEZ.

Asked about exploratory drilling for natural gas by Greek Cypriots, Egemen Bagis, Turkey's European Union minister, told Turkish media last week: "It is for this (reason) that countries have warships. It is for this (reason) that we have equipment and we train our navies."

Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu was quoted in the Turkish Cypriot press as warning that Cyprus could not act in “semi-open seas” without the consent of neighbouring countries like Turkey. He added that the breakaway state would reciprocate with its own explorations if Cyprus goes ahead with plans to drill.

Speaking to Greek military officers stationed on the island, House President Yiannakis Omirou  called on Cyprus and Greece to be ready to face any challenges, noting that Turkey was acting like an “international pirate”, using gunboat diplomacy. “We expect the EU to take on its responsibilities,” said Omirou.

Erdogan’s comments on Israel mark the latest stage in the deteriorating relationship between the two former regional allies, with Cyprus’ own energy hopes closing the triangle of potential instability in the eastern Mediterranean. Ties with Israel began to unravel after Erdogan voiced outrage at an Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip, ruled by the Palestinian Islamist Hamas group, in late 2008 and early 2009. Before that Turkey and Israel had worked closely together on military cooperation and intelligence sharing, as both had sought reliable partners in a volatile neighborhood.

Last Friday, Turkey announced it was expelling Israel's ambassador and other senior diplomats, and downgrading relations after the release of a UN report on the killing of nine Turks during an Israeli commando raid on an aid flotilla that aimed to break Israel's naval blockade of Gaza last year. Israel's refusal to apologise for the deaths has angered Turkey, a NATO member with the bloc's second biggest military. And Turkey has also taken issue with the UN panel's conclusion that Israel's blockade is a legitimate measure to stop weapons reaching Hamas militants in Gaza, an impoverished, densely populated enclave of two million people.

Erdogan will also attend the UN General Assembly in New York later this month where he is likely to give strong backing to Palestinian efforts to win UN recognition for a state they aim to create in Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Source: Cyprus mail

Chief of Turkish General Staff arrested

Lieutenant General Ismail HakkI Pekin, the head of Turkey's military intelligence is the latest high-ranking official to be arrested on charges of attempting to bring down the Turkish government, a video report on presstv said on Tuesday. Tagged the internet propaganda case, public prosecutors are heading an investigation into an alleged document prepared in 2009 by the general-staff that ordered the creationg of 42 Internet sites to distribute propaganda against the ruling AK Party government, the same report added.

The trial which began in July, say observers, is an important step to uncovering the extent of Turkey's military interference in politics. Ahmet Insel, Galatasaray University: Some websites were meant to cause problems with Armenia and Greece, which is extremely important but we're not really talking about this, rather people are noting the sites that aimed to weaken AK Party with information on Sharia. This case was opened against those in the military directing black propaganda aimed at weakening the government, which is clearly a crime.

Lieutenant General Pekin has denied the charges, and said he put his initials on the document for coordination purposes, after seeing the signatures of other officers.

Follow the link to view Video Report  presstv


Athenian Rhapsody (The Ballad of Papandreou) VIDEO

photo by FT
Alan Beattie, FT International Economy Editor and FT Alphaville’s new A&R man, sent a rock opera by two parodists whom wish to remain anonymous. Read the parody song/lyrics to the tune of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody that was dedicated to Prime Minister George Papandreou from the FinancialTimes  (and why not... sing along!)
Athenian Rhapsody (The Ballad of Papandreou)
Is this our real debt?
Is this just fantasy?
Won in a landslide
Now I’m facing austerity
I opened the books
And said “are you kidding me?”
Did what we did to get into the Eurozone
So there was never a need to grow
Euro’s high, rates stayed low
Anything to enter, didn’t really matter to Greece, to Greece
Papa, just told the truth
No one’s paying any tax
And my colleagues here are hacks
Papa, Greece had everything
But the bankers came and took it all away
Papa, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Goldman told us it would work
and now I sit here like a jerk
They were wrong, they were wrong, that swap illusion’s shattered
Too late, the market crashed
My country’s on the brink
And my bond spreads really stink
Goodbye to the good life – it’s got to go
I never thought our bonds could trade so low
Papa, ooh ooh ooh ooh – (anyway my yields go)
No one wants to buy
And some folks wish they never had bought at all…
We need some euros need some euros very fast
Mykonos, Skiathos, you can sell them to China
DSK and Regling – say our debt is frightening – Hey,
Papandreou, Papandreou,
Papandreou, Papandreou,
Papandreou runs the show – he’s out of dough oh oh oh
He’s a professor from Minnesota
He’s a professor leading his country
Found that the Greeks had been cooking the books
Bail in – bail out – will you bail us out?
ECB. Nein! We will not bail you out
Bail us out
IMF. We will not bail you out
Bail us out PSI. We will not bail you out
Bail us out
Will not bail you out
Bail us out (never)
Never bail you out
Bail us out
Never bail you out – ooh ooh ooh
Nein, nein nein nein nein nein nein!
Oh mama Merkel, mama Merkel, mama Merkel we’ll default
The Bundestag has no package set aside for Greece
For Greece
For Greece
China: So you think you can stiff me and just say goodbye?
So you think I’ll just hold and continue to buy?
You’ll pay us – we’ll want more than Piraeus Ships, airports and banks, as for your unions, no thanks!
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Once we had an empire
That is history How did this transpire? – back to Minnesota for me.
Goodbye to the Euro…
Source: FT

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