
October 10, 2011

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Ankara To Send Commandos to East Med., report says

The government of Turkish Prime Minister T. Erdogan is steadfast in instigating a war in the Eastern Mediterranean, by skillfully using the power of the media.

After sending frigates, corvettes, rockets, and even the Piri Reis off the coast of Cyprus, now the pro-government newspaper Bougkioun, came out with an article today claiming that Ankara is ready to send Turkish commandos to the area!

According to the report, the Turkish Armed Forces have sent SAT and SAS units to the frigates that are sailing in the area. The report, which was featured on onalert says that the Turkish fleet is now controlling ten key areas in the eastern Mediterranean, which have been divided to "red, yellow and blue." The sea area off of Israel has been colored red, perhaps to remind the Turks that they should not get too close!

The article notes that there is a plan based on three levels according to which, three frigates, a logistics ship, three naval helicopters and SAS and SAT units are conducting alternate service in the eastern Mediterranean.

In such a framework, the report adds, the first group of ships have already been sent to the area and they will remain there until November 15. The second group will begin to operate from November 15 until May 15, 2012 and the third group from May 15 until August 15, 2012. 

Under this plan, adds the report, Turkey will be constantly present in the drilling areas.
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