
August 18, 2011

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Super-weapon designed by Greeks is not allowed to be manufactured because of "interests"

A shocking article which appeared on the website two days ago claiming that five Greek scientists have discovered a super-weapon that could be an invaluable force multiplier for the Greek Armed Forces! The presentation of the “weapon” has excited two defense ministers and three Chiefs of General Staff, which have designated it as “top secret”. But nothing is progressing, because it seems that this Greek invention goes against the big interests of the giants of the global defense industry!

According to a report of the “Real News” newspaper, five scientists of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are working on the program which is classified as top secret. However, after five years of mockery, one of the scientists decided to break the silence.

The story is incredible.
2006: After studies and planning for six years, the team applied to the Greek Army to participate in a research project for the construction and development of the CCIAS system.  Simply put this was a network of “passive” radars.
What would be the abilities of these radars?
• They could “see” without emitting and therefore remaining undetected, at a range of 400 km!
• They could identify helicopters and aircrafts even under “complete electronic mute”, ie without their radars emitting anything.
• They could identify aircrafts of stealth technology and real-time takeoffs of fighter aircrafts from enemy bases.
• They could passively monitor islets

• Cost? 25 to 30 of such stations, from Evros to the Crete will cost as much as a station of a similar system, purchased from abroad!

Most will say that these are exaggerations.  But the evaluation of the discovery of the five scientists from the military leadership shows different things. And we are not talking about a single assessment. The scientist did 15 trips to Athens, and in all of them they received dithyrambic comments about their discovery!
First presentation to 60 Staff Officers.

In 2006 MoD is Meimarakis, Chief of General Staff is Admiral Panagiotis Hinofotis and Chief of Army Staff is General Dimitris Grapsas. The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki team makes the first presentation of the system to 60 Staff Officers. Immediately after the presentation without any doubt and hesitation, the political and military leadership excited calls for scientists to move quickly.

More presentations are following to all sectors and convince even the always skeptics airmen. On 13/02/2009 the Council of Defence Planning meet and with 7-0 vote in favor of the operational necessity of the system recommends the urgent consideration of the issue by the Council of Chiefs. Chief of Defence is now General D. Grapsas, who was a great proponent of the development of the Greek system. Surprisingly until his retirement in August 2009, the Chief failed to put this issue on the agenda!

The scientific team from the University of Thessaloniki, was not put off by the retirement of General Grapsas and continued its investigations. The last technical problems are resolved. Everything looks ready to build the prototype system. But this is Greece. Almost a year later, the new Chief of General Staff General Ioannis Yiagkos, informs the scientists that… the matter will be reconsidered!

On 19/01/2010, they send a letter to the Chief of General Staff General Ioannis Yiagkos, expressing their reasonable puzzle for the delay or even regression of the program. After this letter the Council of Defence Planning meets again and again concludes with a 7-0 decision in favor of the operational necessity of the Greek system! The General Staff, assures that “the matter will proceed.”

On 15/04/2010, with the new Defence Minister E. Venizelos. The Council of Chiefs meets and with a 4-0 vote adopts the proposed system as “extremely necessary and urgent.” On 29/05/2010, the then vice Defence Minister Panos Beglitis receives the complete feasibility study.

The folder containing the top secret program contains 1050 pages. To date an average person could have read it two and three times. The time elapsed is considerable. Paradoxically, however, the team of five scientists has received no answer! In June last year they sent letters to the Prime Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition, to be aware of the situation. No reaction!

Meanwhile three foreign countries are interested to finance the program! The group of five does not want to sell it, but cannot fail to remember what an honest–as they themselves characterize him- colonel said to them in one of the many presentations made at the Pentagon:

“This system, if ever built in our country, will be the certificate of –sudden- death if those in the opposite shore attack us first. But I do not think it will ever materialize. It is very inexpensive. The group of scientists made a mistake. Someone should tell them that we live in Greece … “
August 17, 2011 | Filed under:
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