
January 7, 2015

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Tsipras: May the light of justice warm Greece

Although he has declared that he is an athiest, main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday attended the Epiphany ceremony at the port of Piraeus in a ploy to attract centrist voters.
     "Today is an important day for the Orthodoxy, a bright celebration for the Greek people. I wish that the light of justice and truth warms our country from this day forward," Tsipras said after the end of the ceremony and while visiting the Piraeus City Theatre.
The picture of Syriza's leader Alexis Tsipras releasing a dove even made it to the Economist. In an obvious ironic article titled 'Spreading his wings', the British magazine says that the snapshot will do his electoral fortunes nothing but good. The Economist says that although Tsipras has cultivated some clerical friends (from Pope Francis to the Orthodox Patriarch, Bartholomew I) he makes no secret of being an atheist. Religious baptisms are not his thing. He and his partner Peristera (her name happens to mean "dove") have called one of their children Ernesto, after Che Guevara; this was offically proclaimed in a secular name-giving ceremony, not a church christening.

The waters blessing ceremony, officiated by the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Ieronymos, was held at Greece's main port, where Special Forces men jumped into the bitter cold sea to collect the cross.

The government was represented by Education and Religious Affairs Minister Andreas Loverdos, who wished everyone a "happy new year" and said that Greeks are "all enlightened by the light of reason" on Epiphany Day.

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