(This should be expected dear Frappers since the government of Antonis Samaras is apparently planning to move ahead with the South Stream pipeline project and as such... many such stories will begin appearing in the press so that they can pressure the government to turn away from the project. Of course these are rumors, but expect the unexpected.)
Speaking to the state news agency ANAMPA, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that Greece may need a another round of international aid, while he stressed that the Greek debt is still high. He noted that discussions about the bailout loan and new program are due to begin this autumn.
According to him, Greece is not able to service its loan if the interest rates range around 6% and 7%, as expected.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has also said that Greece might need a third program after the summer.
(Editor's Note - So there you have it dear Frappers. Our European partners are sinking us more and more into debt, knowing very well that we couldn't sustain this debt from the start. Thanks to George Papandreou's PASOK party, George Karatzaferis and his LAOS party and Dora Bakoyianni... - who all signed the first Memorandum binding us to everything that followed - Greece is being tied tighter and tighter by the New World Order -which is the West- so that it can turn its back on real development. HellasFrappe supports the South Stream project, not because we embrace Russia, but because we believe it will be very beneficial for our country's development and economy. Unfortunately Brussels doesn't think so, and would prefer to see us sink deeper into misery rather than pull our heads out of the water. If the information is true, and the government of Antonis Samaras recently decided to move ahead with the South Stream project, then expect to note many negative articles in the international press about our economy as well as the Samaras government. We complain about his coalition to Evangelos the Large but what most people do not realize is that Evanjello is Brussels/Washington's eyes and ears in Athens -or Simitis' man-, as are wannabes Karatzaferis and Bakoyianni. Papandreou on the other is 100 pro-Americana. The West forced the coalition on us, so that Greek political parties could be weakened and in the framework of having better control on Greece. This is what Papandreou's mission was about... And he received help from Dora and good old George Karambakali. By signing the first Memorandum, they succeeded in gagging Greece, everything else that came afterwards is a repercussion of this first agreement. They can insist that they are against austerity today... but they are 1000 percent responsible for signing this first agreement. This is what gagged Greece, even though the press refuses to note this. Just do your homework Frappers and you will realize that this is not something that we made up, it is a fact. READ THE FIRST MEMORANDUM. Remember what we always say? Foreign interests do not need armies to bring down nations and force them to serve their interests... all they need are bogus ratings agencies and a few good investment banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. Yes the same type that hold quite a few savings from some of SYRIZA's MPs as well. So what would happen when Greece once again turns its eyes on Russia for development... We believe the answers are obvious. Welcome to the New World Order Frappers!)