Now that the crisis is beginning to end, and the worse has been left behind us -as hard as this is for many Leftists to accept- Papandreou -who knows that the real money is in politics and not in debating- wants to once again make his mark (or rather finish what he set out to do). The crisis is ending, and therefore all the speeches he made -and continues to make- on how Europe can restructure its economy have no meaning anymore so the chap has now decided to take a different path.
As more and more evidence comes to light showing us that Papandreou was in tet-a-tet meetings with the IMF months before the government of Costas Karamanlis was toppled, and as we begin to bridge the pieces that prove that he was commissioned to bring down Karamanlis so that the South-Stream pipeline deal could be abolished, Papandreou has now decided to turn his criticism against Costas Karamanlis again because he is being exposed everyday, This past week he once again cast the blame on the Greece’s crushing economic crisis -which incidentally occurred during his term in government, or between 2009-11,- on the European Union for acting too slow and on his predecessor, Costas Karamanlis.
Papandreou, whose family thrives on power, sees that his party has fallen as low as 3 percent in the polls and this is making him panic.
He forgets that when he campaigned against Karamanlis back in 2009 he won by claiming that "money exist(ed)". During that campaign, Karamanlis pressured Papandreou to lay his cards on the table about what economic measures he would take if he would gain office and Papandreou continually refused to address the issue of the economy because his mission was not to come in and save Greece but rather to:
- a. help the West to topple the Karamanlis government so that the pipeline deals that were agreed to between Greece and Russia could be abolished
- b. push the plans of elite banksters who wanted to "own" Greece geopolitically (because of its vast reserves in oil and gas and make sure that rewards yielded from these reserves and/or the oil and gas pipelines that are set to run through Greece would in the future be traded in petrodollars).
- c. help the West cut off the Russian presence in the East Mediterranean
- d. endorse Greek-Turkish relations (so that a new Annan plan could be introduced as well as aid elite businessmen in the Middle East to gain access to new pipeline roads ex. S.Arabia, Qatar, etc.)
- e. help war mongers such as Henry Kissinger and other neocons to forward their plans in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean
- f. and finally... he refused to speak about the economy because quite frankly he is illiterate as far as economic matters are concerned -come to think of it he is clueless on other matters as well- and aside from suffering from a bad case of Stockholm syndrome he also needs his ipod to respond to such harsh questions. - Let us not kid ourselves, economics is a hard subject to tackle!
Speaking to Italy’s Corriere della Sera in an interview published on April 12, he said he was glad Greece has just returned to issuing its first sovereign bond since he was in office but said it took long for the country’s financial “exile” to end and notes that this was not his fault.
He said that when he gained power he walked into a disaster, but what he refused to admit is that when Karamanlis asked him to support the measures that the conservatives were going to take back then, Papandreou said NO because in his sick and twisted mind "money exist(ed)."
(Sure it did George... You knew very well that by not supporting Karamanlis on this crucial national issue in 2009 -and selling lies to the Greek people- that the economy would sooner or later fail. Come to think of it you also knew this when you and your cronies in PASOK decided to hand out the last few billions our country had at the time -to PASOK supporters all over Greece- because you wanted to quicken the downfall of the Greek economy so that you and your banker friends such as Soros can then waltz in and make major moula by playing its destruction on the markets).
He says that Karamanlis lied to the Greek people about the state of the economy. What a deranged statement... This is indeed a HUGE LIE. Karamanlis not only admitted the necessity to adopt reforms and push some austerity measures forward back then in order to safeguard the economy, but he had also addressed this subject at an election rally in Thessaloniki in the presence of tens of thousands of people. In fact, the particular event was filmed and then the video was posted on Youtube, therefore Papandreou's argument that he did not know about the state of the economy, and that Karamanlis lied is nothing but hot air, and more hogwash from someone who clearly needs a mental psychiatric evaluation because he has totally -and without a doubt- lost all of his sanity.
In the interview to the Italian newspaper he also said that this is what inspired him to ask the Troika (or the European Union-International Monetary Fund-European Central Bank) to bail out Greece. What he refuses to remember is that he was already in talks with the IMF months before he came to power. The former head of the IMF openly admitted this on French television!
He also said that Brussels took too long to help Greece, whose crisis was largely caused by the former government of Costas Karamanlis. The EU was not late to act, but was instead trying to buy time to come up with a better handling of the crisis before a big spillover occurred. As for Karamanlis' responsibility on inflating the debt: Papandreou refusses to state that his party PASOK was notorious for state hirings in the 80s and 90s, and let us not forget that most of the politicians who have already been implicated in scandals that involve the squandering of state funds, kickbacks, bribery and corruption and/or have been jailed are mostly all members of PASOK!
On the issue of Greece altering economic figures, Papandreou noted that the European Commission and the IMF had been monitoring the situation and may have issued warnings to Karamanlis but didn’t say if he knew for sure although it was in his power to find out when he was prime minister.
“My government and I were punished for other people’s sins,” he said.Gosh... Our hearts bleed for his pain.
Papandreou who brought the IMF to Greece and then made a career as a high profile speaker blasting the austerity measures that were formulated against Greece as a result of the Memorandums which his government ratified, is also not that positive on the notion of Greece returning to the markets.
(Let us not forget that all of Papandreou's supporters have today sided with SYRIZA on the very same subject... How coincidental e?).
He says that Greece does not need any new loans but a new model for growth. This is indeed a laugh. He almost sounds like a spokesman for SYRIZA.
It should be reiterated that the main opposition SYRIZA party has continually blasted the coalition government for slashing state expenses in various areas such as education and health care. They have built their whole opposition platform against the coalition government of Antonis Samaras on this.
Jeez... What does Papandreou think that the new loans will be used for? Rave parties?
He easily blames the government and especially the former government of Costas Karamanlis on the deficit, the debt, structural issues -including red tape-, corruption and tax evasion, but he forgets that his government did nothing to correct this at all.
Since leaving office in November of 2011 the only thing that he has achieved is only to serve as bench warmer in Parliament. And he has not even done this successfully because he has hardly been in Greece.
What is even more hysterical is the fact that he has even blamed hedge fund speculators and outside forces for the crisis, but forgets the allegations that were made against his very own brother who was accused by the leader of the Independent Greeks party -with pretty convincing evidence we might add- that his very own brother worked at a brokerage firm that catered to these very same speculators!
His refusal to accept the responsibility for destroying this country's economy and placing millions of people on the poverty line is no laughing matter. This man seriously needs to be ousted from the political scene and judiciary officials need to investigate the period before Greece was embraced by the Troika. We are convinced that he was serving foreign interests -which probably wanted to bring down the Euro or strengthen the FED's presence in Europe-.
We also know that his biggest fear of all is Costas Karamanlis who we all know can easily bring down the corrupt Greek oligarchy if the reasons for his government's toppling ever come out. This is why Papandreou continues to strike hard at him, because he knows, as we all know now, that because of his lust for power, he literally sided with the devil, and this has its consequences. Doesn't George know that when you play with fire at one point you might get burned? Oops take it back... We noted severe mental psychiatric disorder.Ti pinei afto to paidi kai den mas dinei?