
November 11, 2013

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Greece & China Promote Cooperation On Island of Milos

English: Milos Island, Greece Français : ̂Île ...
 Milos Island, Greece  (credit: Wikipedia)
 (Xinhua) -- Greece and China celebrated the close and deepening ties of friendship and cooperation which link the two countries and peoples during a two-day meeting hosted on the Aegean Sea island of Milos at the weekend. The event entitled "China and Greece, Ties of Friendship and Cooperation" which was co-organized by the Municipality of Milos and the Chinese Embassy in Athens showcased the elements which unite the two countries and paved the way for the enhancement of bilateral collaboration in particular in the tourism industry.

The tourism and mining industries are today the two pillars of the economy of Milos, an island of a 5,000 populace, which has become famous worldwide for the discovery of the statue of Aphrodite (Venus) - the Goddess of Beauty in ancient Greek mythology - currently hosted in the Louvre museum.

The Chinese delegation of diplomats, tour operators and members of the Greece-China Association who visited Milos this weekend received a warm welcome by the local community which seeks to show to all visitors the volcanic island's unique beauty and attract more of the 80 million Chinese tourists traveling worldwide each year. Approximately 100,000 visited Greece in 2012.

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